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A Short Description of Historic Baptists, by Raul Enyedi Bocsa, Romania.

Discussion in 'Baptist History' started by Alan Gross, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    A Short Description of Historic Baptists
    By Raul Enyedi
    Bocsa, Romania

    "As the preservers of the doctrinal and practical simplicity found in the New Testament, and having a continuous existence from the first Christian century until this day among the Baptists are to be found the original Christians. Our founder is not man, but the Savior Jesus Christ Himself.

    "In history we have been known under different names which were given to us due to a certain characteristic or a certain leader or place. Novatians, Donatists, Paulicians, Albigenses, Waldenses are just a few of these names.

    "Generally we were known by the depreciatory name Anabaptists" (rebaptizers). This was because we did not recognize acts performed by churches which we considered not authentic and baptized those who were converted to our faith. However, we never acknowledged that name, because we did not consider that we baptized the second time. Rather we baptized for the first time in a correct, Biblical way. In the course of time the prefix "ana" was dropped and we remained known as "Baptists" (baptizers).

    "Our historic development is different than that of the traditional Churches. We did not come out of the Protestant Reformation, nor from the Roman Church, nor from the Greek. We did not identify with any of these churches and we are not like them.

    "Sir Isaac Newton, the great man of science, stated that he was convinced that the Baptists are the only Christians "that have never symbolize with Rome." Looking back in history, We take this statement as a great compliment.

    "Being unjustly called "heretics" (Mircea Eliade, the great historian of religion said "the first Christian forms were closer to those who were classed later on as heretical"), our forefathers were severely persecuted by both the ecclesiastic and secular authorities.

    "Many paid with their own lives for what was thought be the ultimate guilt, that of believing and practicing in their everyday lives the principles of the New Testament and asking for freedom for all people to serve God according to the dictates of their conscience.

    "Even though millions we martyred for their faith, in their turn they never persecuted any other person. Nobody suffered persecution at the hand of the Baptists and not even one drop of blood was spilled in the name of our religion!

    "The particularities after which our churches can be identified today, as well as in any given time of Christian history are the following:

    "1. According to the Biblical definite the church is the assembly of baptized believers in a given place - an organization centered on spiritual activities, whose Founder, Head and Lawgiver is the Savior Jesus Christ. The church is not a building and is not formed only of the clergy. We do not believe in concepts 1ike national or universal Church, these being in contradiction with the Scriptures.

    "2. Members of a church can be only persons who believed the Gospel and whose lives have been visibly changed. To believe the Gospel means to believe that man deserves death for his sins, and can be saved only by God, by grace (that is, without deserving salvation) because of the fact that Christ suffered the punishment for his sins. We believe that man cannot save himself by his works and cannot possibly cause God to be favorable toward him. Man is totally dependent on Gods mercy.

    "3. The way to enter the church is by baptism (performed only by immersion) based on the personal testimony of each candidate. This is the beginning of the Christian life. From that moment follows obedience and faithfulness toward all the teachings of the New Testament

    "4. The church has only two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. These are symbolic. Nothing miraculous happens during these ceremonies. They commemorate the death and the resurrection of the Lord and show our identification with Him. These are not saving sacraments, therefore, participation in them does not assure anyone's salvation.

    "5. The laws and ordinances upon which the church functions are found exclusively in the New Testament (even though we believe that the whole Bible is the Word of God). The church is a New Testament institution. Therefore, we do not accept other standards, viz. Old Testament Jewish forms and practices, Church tradition, teachings of a modern prophet, etc.

    "6. There is no hierarchy or clergy in the church. The church has only two sorts of servants. Pastors, who are also called bishops and elders in the Scriptures. They have responsibility for the teaching and spiritual growth of believers; and deacons, who take care of the natural duties of the church.

    "7. The church functions as a pure democracy. Every member is actively involved in the life of the church and the decisions are made by the vote of the majority. There are no differences between members, all being equal. We do not have boards, committees or other ruling bodies.

    "8. The churches local assemblies - are independent one from another in the exercise of their laws and discipline, but cooperate one with another as equals in different activities. No church has authority over another one. The association of churches in different supra-church structures is unbiblical and harmful to local churches.

    "9. We believe in the absolute separation between church and state. We pay authorities what we owe them, as citizens of the state in which we live. We do not demand concessions from the government. We believe that the expenses of each church are not public expenses, but must be supported by the members of that church.

    "10. We believe and maintain that every man has the right to religious freedom. Nobody has the right to impose a religion by force, because every person is responsible before God for what he believes and for the way he lives his life.

    "These ten particularities make us differ from many churches that are still called "Baptist," but they represent the doctrinal and practical skeleton by which a Baptist church, can be recognized, whatever name it bore or historic period in which it existed. Since all these principles are found in the Scriptures, we consider them all to be essential characteristics without which a church cannot be an authentic church of Christ.

    "We are not part of the ecumenical movement (the movement of unification of churches) because, unfortunately, they do not return to truth, or to the spirituality of original Christianity, or to the teachings and practices of the New Testament. On the contrary, these are continually ignored. The doctrinal basis of ecumenism is the decrees of the first ecumenical councils.

    "We are different and separated from Baptist churches that are involved directly or indirectly, through the representatives of their ruling bodies, in the ecumenical movement or have given up some of the fundamental Baptist principles.

    "Our purpose is not the conversion of the world or a certain nation to one ideology. We do not use marketing strategies for development and do not seek financial success or advantages.

    "What we hope to accomplish, and that we shall do, if the Lord wills, is to present the Gospel of Christ to as many people as we can and to convince them to read the Holy Scriptures because there is found the way to eternal life.

    "The rest depends on God."
  2. Logos1560

    Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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    Many Baptist churches seem to have abandoned congregational church government, replacing it with a form of episcopal church government where one man rules the local congregation.

    Kenny McComas asserted that “God intends for the rulership of the church to lie in the pastor” (God Given Pastoral Authority, p. 10). Kenny McComas declared: “Often by divine direction and not by choice, the pastor must become dictatorial” (p. 31).

    Roy L. Branson wrote: “God commands the pastor to rule” (Dear Preacher, p. 108). Roy Branson declared: “The pastor is called the ruler of the church, Heb. 13:7, 17, and God’s program is directed through him. Moses is the original model and that model was not changed in the transition from the Old to the New Testament” (Most Christians, p. 106). Roy Branson asserted: “The pastor is God’s governor appointed to rule over the church” (Church Split, p. 114). Concerning the pastor, Branson wrote: “Call him a dictator if you will, since God has given him nearly absolute authority” (p. 42).

    Jeri Massi claimed: “Unquestioning obedience to a single man in charge of a single church that is not accountable to anybody is a hallmark of the Independent Fundamental Baptists,” but she admits that “not every Independent Fundamental Baptist church is run that way” (Schizophrenic Christianity, p. 47).
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