Good morning, kids. Monday, the start of a new week and springtime... for Democrats' hegemony (hat tip Bialystock & Bloom Prods.). For sure, there is some malevolent actor or actors behind the scenes calling the shots in the drive to cement absolute control over the citizenry of the nation formerly known as the United States of America. To the rest of the world, however, especially our geopolitical enemies, this nation that just over a year ago appeared to be heading once again towards indisputable global dominance now looks like a headless chicken, spouting blood and guano all over the yard as loud, bizarre squawks still emanate from the disembodied beak. I don't care who you are or how you might try and spin it; the image of an enfeebled Joe Biden tripping and nearly going ass over teakettle -- three times -- as he attempted to climb the stairs to Air Force One sends a very clear message: commence firing, fire at will.
The White House blamed the three stumbles on the wind, as if brave Joe were scaling a mountain in the face of hurricane force winds. Actually, it was only a light breeze, about 14 miles per hour. Is Joe that frail that a light breeze can knock him to the ground? I wonder what Putin and Xi think of that?
Putin, who laughs at Biden's accusations of Putin being "a killer," rides bare chested on a horse and takes dips in an icy lake. In an age where image is everything, America's leader looks like a feeble nursing home resident, and the Russian leader looks like Rambo. Chairman Xi doesn't need to rip off his shirt as his consigliere ripped Biden's foreign policy team a new one during their recent meeting in Alaska...
...No wonder Speaker Pelosi and dozens of Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. This is well beyond gaffes and "Ole Joe being Joe".
Biden was a convenient way for Democrats to regain power and give Barack Obama and his minions a third term in the White House. But if Biden mouths off to Putin, Xi, or Kim and starts a war, nuclear or otherwise, Democrats are just as flammable as everyone else.
Double masking, social distancing, and a corrupt DOJ won't be much help if a Russian or Chinese nuke explodes about a mile above Washington, DC. And the Democrats know this. Much of what they do is theater, but a man of limited and failing mental faculties, holding his finger over the big red button, is no longer a game.
Average Americans are also worried. Half of those polled question Biden's physical and mental health. His stumble up the down staircase won't move those numbers in Biden's favor; instead, the opposite.
Foreign leaders, eager to topple America into second or third place, are noticing these things too. Animals attack when their prey is weak. Leaders of Iran, Russia, and China can smell blood in the water and are watching for opportunity to make their moves.
Sure, we have the military, but their priority is not defending the homeland, but rather making sure transgenders feel welcome and appreciated, that pregnant women have appropriate maternity suits to wear into battle, and that private citizens like Tucker Carlson dare not criticize the military.
For those unaware, stumbles and falls are strong indicators of dementia. But that's neither here nor there, right? In the face of all of this, Biden's handlers have essentially erased our entire southern border as the Democrat Party is moving ahead with blanket amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal aliens already in our country. The way things stand, the Chi-Coms could send half their army in full battle gear to the border check at Tijuana and be waved in by the Border Patrol. Same goes for Religion of Peace Peaceniks wearing suicide vests. In fact four on the terror watch list were stopped at the border since October. But nowadays a watch list for terrorists means "watch that you let them right in, lest we fire you for Islamophobia."
That's also the same mindset that staged a riot in the Capitol on January 6th as a pretext to silence any and all legitimate protest about the stolen election and all the naked power grabs that have ensued since. This junta is not ‘messing’ around either; they are going to actually prosecute quite a few people for sedition for doing nothing but walk into the Capitol building, gawk at the drapery and take a few selfies. Meanwhile the Antifa/BLM goons who did cause some minor but actual damage and worse, the DC cop who assassinated Ashli Babbitt will skate.
Michael Sherwin told CBS' 60 Minutes that he believes the evidence supports charging some of the suspects in the deadly attack with conspiring to overthrow the government.
"I personally believe the evidence is trending towards that, and probably meets those elements," Sherwin said on the program.
"I believe the facts do support those charges. And I think that, as we go forward, more facts will support that, he added.
The probe into the riot has resulted in more than 400 criminal cases so far, the bulk for "significant federal felony charges," Sherwin said.
Among them, roughly 100 have been accused of assaulting law enforcement officers, including Brian Sicknick, the Capitol Police officer who died in the hospital the day after the riot...
...Sherwin, who recently stepped down from supervising the investigation, also reiterated that prosecutors were looking into the conduct of former President Donald Trump in relation to the attack.
"It's unequivocal that Trump was the magnet that brought the people to D.C. on the 6th. Now the question is, is he criminally culpable for everything that happened during the siege, during the breach?" Sherwin said.
1. Infiltrate a peaceful, legal protest.
2. Cause actual mayhem and death.
3. Blame one half to two thirds of the country and brand them as sub-human dangerous enemies of the people.
4. Imprison or ruin the lives of as many as you can to silence them, and pour encourager les autres
5. Seize absolute power.
6. ???
7. Profit!
Even if Joey Aqualung wasn't a demented drooling rutabaga, would he actually do something if the Chi-Coms moved against Taiwan or the Farsis moved against Iraq or Israel? Of course not. He's in their pocket, especially the Chinese. But his dementia, especially in light of his recent insane mouthing off at Putin means he's unpredictable. An his unpredictability presents even more of a danger to us not just in terms of what our foreign enemies will do but our domestic enemies running this junta will do to utilize it as a pretext to tighten the screws even more. When even Naomi Wolf, who's not exactly a Reaganite conservative sits up and takes notice, oh boy.
Addressing Biden's health, Wolf stated that "as Americans, we would be remiss not to notice that this is a man who is struggling physically, and our national security kind of depends on our being grown-ups." She said, "when a very elderly president is struggling physically, it's an important national security concern" that all should be able to discuss "without partisanship."...
...In what she terms "bio-fascism," Wolf expressed concerns regarding the far-reaching implications of curbing freedoms during the current pandemic.
"The President of the United States has no right whatsoever under the Constitution of the United States of America to tell anyone where they can go or whom they can see or to say anything about what you do in your private home," she said.
"I'm incredibly concerned that we're at kind of step ten of the ten steps to fascism that I identified in my book The End of America and that it's under the guise of what I call bio-fascism that this pandemic has been used as an excuse to suppress everyone's liberties and to really usher in a totalitarian state," she stated.
Yes, she still has to get her idiotic digs in at President-in-Exile Trump, but I get the impression that's just for show. Everything else she states she is spot on about. If it's any comfort you have to believe that she's not a one-off.
Since the steal, Ace has been off the hook. So he is a bit more pithy than usual. The others stayed in stride, like JJ here. There is a pet thread, art thread, gardening thread, coffee memes that speak to most of us, anyway, just wanted to throw it out there.
Would love to hear your recommendations or favorite haunts.
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