A recent video from Smithsonian says that 4.5 Billion years is "about" right ... what's a few hundred million or so?!
We are about to start, I am afraid, another round of discussions on the nature of the Bible, particularly of Genesis, and they will inevitably involve the assertion that if you cannot believe it all, you cannot believe any of it.
The problem is that scientific inquiry and faith are quite different forms of approaching knowledge. Genesis is not about science, not about a description of when Creation occurred, but about why and who. The old notion of adding up the generations ignores the nature of Genesis as sermon and parable and not as reportage. As theologians might say, it is "Heisgechichte" and not "Geschichte."
And there will be the charges of liberalism again. No ... I cannot accept that. The critical reading of the Bible is not the same thing as operating out of a low Christology or a weak anthropology, which are the marks of liberal theology.
So I put down "several million" but I think the evidence is for several billion ... and that only makes my appreciation of the vastness of God even deeper.