Just started reading this one and like Tell the Truth one to read again and again. I challenge all members to read this book. Its at the seminary level and is used in various seminaries as its an in depth look at Biblical Repentance in the synoptics, OT, and NT. The author speaks like a prophet and writes very well as I am enjoying the book.
Some reviews
This book helped revitalize the magnitude and full cooperation of my repentance with God. Not only did it reveal to me areas of my life that needed further repentance but it changed our church.My complaints are not of its content but of its writing style and structure. For example, rather than referencing verses for the reader to look up if they be in doubt, the author repeats these verses again and again which slows the thought process and, many times, reduces the impact of its point. My hope is that anyone reading this type of book would already know the Word and merely be able to discuss their full import in another book such as this. I also am disinclined to accept arbitrary divisions of Scriptural Doctrine into seven points. The author divides every chapter or point into seven smaller divisions which may not be so found in Scripture.Yet overall this is a very good book. One can tell that they are reading the words of a devout and godly man. It takes some time to read through, but is well worth the effort.
WOW, this book is FANTASTIC! I look back when I was first saved and how I cried many years, and still do today recalling how Jesus Christ saved me. It was not until a year or so later I learned what (Repentance) was. I did not hear it preached, but kept seeing it in the bible and realized that the Lord had granted me repentance II Tim. 2:25. This book is an INCREDIBLE study on repentance, and a MUST for any student of the bible or bible study. This is the best book I have ever read outside the bible and I recommend it to anyone who cant understand why their church members are apathetic about living a holy and righteous life before Almighty God. Its simple; they have NEVER repented and believed the gospel and without repentance, no man shall see God. Acts 17:30; 2:37-38; II Cor. 7:9-11; Luke 13:3,5; Matt. 3:1-2; 4:17; II Tim. 2:25. Shortly after I was saved I could not understand why people were so apathetic about the gospel, but learned that most people today believe that saying a prayer, walking an isle, inviting Jesus in their hearts, getting rededicated for the x number of times, or getting baptized saves them, NOT SO! Its only by true repentance that one is saved.