Whatever minute amount of professional respect I held for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was lost with her "I don't want to see President Trump impeached; I want to see him in prison" comment.
First of all. To put him in prison would mean he broke some law deserving prosecution and a sentence of prison following a guilty verdict by a jury of his peers. Once again, the open hostility towards this duly elected President is publicly acknowledged by Democrats who are still seething ...over the results of the 2016 election results where a majority of Americans demonstrated their right to freely select a man or woman to represent them and their country as their President.
I am so tired, after nearly three (3) years now, of dems crying in their milk glasses over losing what they believed would be a slam dunk for their candidate. It is time to end this "damn the President" sentiment and accept the fact that Trump is their President for one more year. So, let's stop the temper-tatrum and civilly agree to let Trump lead this country without snide, underhanded, childish comments that only reflect their hatred toward the man that wasn't supposed to win the Oval Office, according to the pollsters.
Think how much more we could accomplish for America and its many crucial needs if everyone elected to run this Country would merely accept the "real world" as history has shown it to be, and "work as one people, for the good of the many people who live in America. Pay taxes. And believe that free elections and the results of the elections equals working for the greater good and interests of all Americans regardless of political party leanings.
Shame on Pelosi for not working on behalf of the will of the people, and the good of this nation per the 2016. election results! As a Christian, I challenge all believers to pray for healing among those who "hate this President" because their hate is seriously imparing and hindering this duly elected President from leading America to greatness. And this childish hatred for President Trump makes the country appear weak and ineffective in the eye of those watching us in countries around the world.
Personally, I want to believe America is capable of better things when we work as on.
get Pastor Paul Zimmer
Narrow Path Ministries and Publications
First of all. To put him in prison would mean he broke some law deserving prosecution and a sentence of prison following a guilty verdict by a jury of his peers. Once again, the open hostility towards this duly elected President is publicly acknowledged by Democrats who are still seething ...over the results of the 2016 election results where a majority of Americans demonstrated their right to freely select a man or woman to represent them and their country as their President.
I am so tired, after nearly three (3) years now, of dems crying in their milk glasses over losing what they believed would be a slam dunk for their candidate. It is time to end this "damn the President" sentiment and accept the fact that Trump is their President for one more year. So, let's stop the temper-tatrum and civilly agree to let Trump lead this country without snide, underhanded, childish comments that only reflect their hatred toward the man that wasn't supposed to win the Oval Office, according to the pollsters.
Think how much more we could accomplish for America and its many crucial needs if everyone elected to run this Country would merely accept the "real world" as history has shown it to be, and "work as one people, for the good of the many people who live in America. Pay taxes. And believe that free elections and the results of the elections equals working for the greater good and interests of all Americans regardless of political party leanings.
Shame on Pelosi for not working on behalf of the will of the people, and the good of this nation per the 2016. election results! As a Christian, I challenge all believers to pray for healing among those who "hate this President" because their hate is seriously imparing and hindering this duly elected President from leading America to greatness. And this childish hatred for President Trump makes the country appear weak and ineffective in the eye of those watching us in countries around the world.
Personally, I want to believe America is capable of better things when we work as on.
get Pastor Paul Zimmer
Narrow Path Ministries and Publications