You just like starting new threads every once and a while on the same topic while still parroting the same useless phrases? To each his own I suppose.
"Evolutionist statements based on neo-Darwinist 'theories' and claims that the original ancestors of Arabic, Hamitic, Islamic and Semitic people were African Homo sapiens who evolved from common ancestors of African monkeys and apes are a modern form of ancestral and scientific racism. "
Oh, there are so many problems here. First off is that you seem to have left a few groups off your list of humans. Like the rest of the population. It is not just some groups that are said to have evolved from a common ancestor with the other apes, it is ALL humans. And all humans are equidistant in relationship from said ancestor.
So it is hard to understand how a theory that says that ALL humans are related to a common ancestor with the other apes and that ALL humans are equally as far removed from said ancestor can be considered to be racists. Maybe you have just been given some bad information. Try reading some real science instead of the pseudoscience you keep trying to peddle and you might begin to understand.
Second, as has been pointed out to you before, not all of the ancestor apes and monkeys were in Africa. Some along the line are known to have lived elsewhere. But a practiced YEer never lets the facts get in the way of a good story, do they?
"All neo-Darwinist attempts to publically, politically and religiously suppress the teaching of all other theories and beliefs about human origins are a modern form of scientific, academic, religious and political facism."
There are no other theories that adequately explain the observations to suppress. There are, however, some false "sciences" out there built on preconceived ideas and ignoring the evidence that needs to be kept out of the public classrooms.
"No. I have no idea what you are trying to say or what your point is."
Neither does anyone else. He just likes to ramble on while promoting Lubenow's book which, if his posts are any indication of content, goes on for a few hundred pages saying that evolution is racist over and over. A lie repeated often enough tends to become believed, so it is not a bad strategy.
He keeps claiming that there are other ideas in there, with references, but when pressed he is unable to make a single coherent argument based on what he claims to have learned. From this, I too conclude that the work is "poppycock."