Typical nonsense from the Irrelevant Right(R) . Wearing expensive shoes is not mocking anyone.
I had no dog in this fight until you put yours in.
For some poor it will seems as mocking..... a way of showing a difference of worth even if its only monetary. Sort of an I'm better off than you flaunting. For those who may go barefoot or have shabby shoes to wear, well........ it definitely puts this out of their range of hope..... unless they shoplift, or steal..... which may require battery or assault.
I'm not saying that it is right to have those feelings.....just that it is realistic to expect that most poor, if a difference is either observed by them or pointed out to them, would likely feel not only a smarting difference and distance between their desperation and feeling of 'have not' and the select ones who ..... to them anyway, appear 'to have all' effortlessly.
Personally, I wonder who and how many noticed the shoes on a person behind the sering line? I think someone had to point this out and that person is as insensitive as they are trying to point to the first lady. For many in high office who do these kind of 'benevolent' offerings of service.... the object is too infrequent and too brief, but the publicity behind it so much to their advantage 'image producing' that I find difficult in it serving as more than a show. About that show..... I have my own opinion and I'm sure others have theirs.