I have some compassion for the plight of children who were brought to this country illegally by parents or guardians. Unfortunately, the solution is not simple. Legislation that grandfathers all illegal immigrant children under a certain age also guarantees their parents; if not a first, eventually. Such legislation rewards breaking the law under the guise of compassion. Many (although not all) illegal families try to stay under the radar. They are afraid of arrest and deportation. But the fact is that they are in this country illegally. They are not undocumented immigrants, they are illegal immigrants. Depending on the jurisdiction they are eligible for government aid (to varying degrees), which means law-abiding taxpayers are footing the bill for their healthcare, education, and housing. Sanctuary cities like San Francisco are a haven for illegal immigrants. Local authorities refuse to cooperate with federal authorities, so the problem becomes systemic. The immediate victims are U.S. citizens who are at the lower end of the economic scale. Many jobs that would normally go to them go to illegals that work under-the-table. No benefits and no social security match by employers. The whole thing is a hot mess!
I am against any legislation that offers blanket amnesty for illegal immigrant dependents and their families, regardless of their country of origin. There must be strict rules for eligibility. There should be an appeal process but the bar needs to be set high. States like New York want to offer Dreamers free tuition. Free for whom? Not the taxpayer who will be footing the bill. How about all the Dreamers who come out of the shadows and go on public assistance? Who is picking up their tab? And what is to stop this happening again in 20 or 30 years? Compassion steeped in common sense is a good thing. Compassion without common sense is a recipe for disaster.