The continued shooting of our finest has (fourth from this city) happened again. Regarding this man's death, or the mounting murders of innocent black men in Chicago, will not be televised from the Rose Garden at the White House, or from an irate POTUS; however, the growing number of murdered men and women across this nation, is being heard here .... this has got to stop. But, how do we get it to end? What needs to be done to stop the senseless murder of cops?
And gun control is not the answer. At least in my eyes. And I am not a member of the NRA. I just don't see good, responsible folks doing the killings, be it on a quiet college campus, or a preschool. Murder by gunfire, in our ghettos, and everywhere else has reached epidemic proportions, and speeches will not fix it. So what will? I loved to hear so non racially biased views on how to reign in murders by gun fire, discussed here. Thanks!
The continued shooting of our finest has (fourth from this city) happened again. Regarding this man's death, or the mounting murders of innocent black men in Chicago, will not be televised from the Rose Garden at the White House, or from an irate POTUS; however, the growing number of murdered men and women across this nation, is being heard here .... this has got to stop. But, how do we get it to end? What needs to be done to stop the senseless murder of cops?
And gun control is not the answer. At least in my eyes. And I am not a member of the NRA. I just don't see good, responsible folks doing the killings, be it on a quiet college campus, or a preschool. Murder by gunfire, in our ghettos, and everywhere else has reached epidemic proportions, and speeches will not fix it. So what will? I loved to hear so non racially biased views on how to reign in murders by gun fire, discussed here. Thanks!