"The disciples asked Jesus, why did he speak in parables? “He answered, and said vnto them, Because it is giuen vnto you to know the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen, but to them it is not giuen” (Mat.13:11). People who love untruth are not given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven; lest at any time they, seeing the creations of God and hearing the Word of God, “should vnderstand with their heart” (Mat.13:15) and will continue to serve idols.
Using events related to the descendants of Noah, Scripture shows us the events of the past, present and future time. This chapter discusses the historical significance of Bible verses written by the prophet Moses and understood by every person. Further, the prophetic meaning of these verses is examined. It, as a rule, is hidden from the reader, and only a person who trusts the Word of God understands it.
Every discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible exist for people from whom the prophetic meaning of verses is hidden, for them there is only open text."
More "Babylon; a city and a tower"
Using events related to the descendants of Noah, Scripture shows us the events of the past, present and future time. This chapter discusses the historical significance of Bible verses written by the prophet Moses and understood by every person. Further, the prophetic meaning of these verses is examined. It, as a rule, is hidden from the reader, and only a person who trusts the Word of God understands it.
Every discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible exist for people from whom the prophetic meaning of verses is hidden, for them there is only open text."
More "Babylon; a city and a tower"