"Between the events to which the Passover of God and the feast of unleavened bread indicate, there is a significant time interval, a little more than 2,000 prophetic years, counting from the 34-th years to the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. This period of 2000 years is actually hidden from the reader in Scripture, because with the death of Jesus a night came. Scripture figuratively calls our time a night, and the seven thousandth years is called a day.
Having noticed the “inconsistency” between ceremonial law and reality, far-reaching conclusions can be drawn. The presence of a “gap in time” means the absence of any epistles in the books of the New Testament to us who trust in Christ. While the doctrine for the future Millennium is set forth openly in the books of the New Testament. It is understandable that what is hidden in ceremonial law will be hidden in the books of the New Testament as well. Scripture is like a single organism.
In terms of ceremonial law, time has stopped with the death of Jesus Christ, and it will continue its reckoning only after the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. This proves once again that the commandments of the Lord's Supper, water baptism, spiritual gifts, tongues, laying on of hands, tithing, the Sabbath, preaching of the gospel are not related to us. The night came “when no man can worke” (John.9:4).
Now it’s clear why in the Christian world there are thousands or tens of thousands of different denominations. And each of them considers itself true. Among them there is no unity and cannot be."
"Between “the LORD’s passover and “the feast of unleavened bread”"
Having noticed the “inconsistency” between ceremonial law and reality, far-reaching conclusions can be drawn. The presence of a “gap in time” means the absence of any epistles in the books of the New Testament to us who trust in Christ. While the doctrine for the future Millennium is set forth openly in the books of the New Testament. It is understandable that what is hidden in ceremonial law will be hidden in the books of the New Testament as well. Scripture is like a single organism.
In terms of ceremonial law, time has stopped with the death of Jesus Christ, and it will continue its reckoning only after the rapture of the Church of the firstborn. This proves once again that the commandments of the Lord's Supper, water baptism, spiritual gifts, tongues, laying on of hands, tithing, the Sabbath, preaching of the gospel are not related to us. The night came “when no man can worke” (John.9:4).
Now it’s clear why in the Christian world there are thousands or tens of thousands of different denominations. And each of them considers itself true. Among them there is no unity and cannot be."
"Between “the LORD’s passover and “the feast of unleavened bread”"