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Bible book order sorting possible?

Joseph M. Smith

New Member
I have created a database of all my sermons, over the years, and the fields include not only the titles and the date preached, but also the principal Scripture references. It's done in Excel and so of course I can sort by title alphabetically and by date. Does anyone know of an add-on that might permit sorting the Scripture references in Bible book order? Of course I can sort alphabetically, but I would love to be able to do a Bible book order sort.

matt wade

Well-Known Member
In Excel, when you click sort, you can choose the "Order". Choose "Custom List". You'll have to create the custom list, but then you can sort by anything you want.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Are you talking about ordering them by how the books are ordered in the Bible? (i.e., Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, et al)

If so, Matt's answer is probably best. Will only take a few minutes to set up the custom list.