Lemme' add that during the last 70 years, the wisdom of several of the VP picks have been questioned by, at least some people. Let me run a few of those names by you.
1.) Harry S Truman
2.) Richard M. Nixon
3.) Lyndon B. Johnson
4.) Gerald R. Ford (Not picked for a 'ticket' but confirmed by both Houses of Congress to fill the vacant office of VP, after a resignation)
5.) George H. W. Bush
6.) Alben W. Barkley
7.) Hubert H. Humphrey
Last time I checked, all of them went on to become the Vice-President and preside over the US Senate, the first five later went on to occupy the Oval Office as President, all of them except VP Barkley were nominated to become President, by their party, and both VP Barkley and VP Humphrey were elected again, by their state, and sent back to serve again in the US Senate.
Folks, neither Sen. Biden nor Gov. Palin are exactly "Pat Paulsen for President", here, regardless of any political differences of opinion I may have with either or both, and I do have some with both.
And they certainly are not "Adm. James Stockdale for VP!"