Let me try to understand this. They protest and use civil disobedience to show their disdain with cops. They demand the Confederate battle flag come down. And now they are going after the gay right activists and supporters of the SCOTUS ruling....
THEY HAVE A LOT ON THEIR PLATE, and the summer of 2015 should be interesting to say the least. :wavey:
Who exactly are "THEY" who do these things and "have a lot on their plate"?
From what I see, this is a very conservative coalition that focuses mostly on homosexuality. The one post I see, so far, on race, is a link to a
Breitbart article on King's neice saying exactly the stuff you guys say: "Stop ‘Tired,’ ‘Outdated’ Race-baiting". It looks to me like the FB page agrees with that, and thus with you. So how is
his plate full? Do you say the same thing when Alan West agrees with you on the moral issues?
(If this coalition has disdained cops and demanded the confederate flag to come down in the past; I apologize, but I'm not seeing any of that so far, and I've already gone back way before the flag issue; all during the Spring with the cops issue; and it's almost all about marriage and gays, even before all the recent events).
I think the generalizations are getting way out of control, to the point you'll even shoot your own fellow conservatives before realizing who they really are.