I don't know about any of you, but here in my area of California (the land of fruits, nuts and flakes) has been abuzz with prayerful hopes that Jesus would return before the last day of September!
Even on my ministry blog and page, I have had hundreds from all across America and around the world caught up in this lastest false hope of His eminent return! I countered those friends and people who wrote me with the Scripture that "No man should know nneither the time or the day of His return" but it was not well received!
So I sat it out, and thought that time will prove to them that this was one more hoax, that only the passing of September would prove!
So, have any of you heard this talk, or seen this link, and others?
Even on my ministry blog and page, I have had hundreds from all across America and around the world caught up in this lastest false hope of His eminent return! I countered those friends and people who wrote me with the Scripture that "No man should know nneither the time or the day of His return" but it was not well received!
So I sat it out, and thought that time will prove to them that this was one more hoax, that only the passing of September would prove!
So, have any of you heard this talk, or seen this link, and others?