Thank you for posting that. It was quite refreshing. After reading the plan, I do not think the Devil has been successful in one area, and that is getting others to tell a lost and dying world about the Gospel. I see the point however. The overall scheme is for our minds to be crammed with non essential activities, or so many essential activities we do none well.
I really think within a local church, this can be a real problem for a dedicated Christian. To fill in the gaps of needed ministries because no one will serve, we spread ourselves too thin, and do none well. If one mixes that with work, keeping up on TV shows, work around the house, worrying about Obama and he Congress, one can burn themselves out in short order, then, we are totally useless for the Lord, and Satan has temporarily won.
It has been in recent years that I have begun to learn to pick and choose better. If I want to participate in more visitation, I drop something else. Some learn a lot sooner than I did. I mean, between family, work, and the church, one has to learn to manage time. Confusion and feeling squeezed on time is directly from the devil.
Sometimes the most ridiculous thoughts enters one's mind. For example, the other day while listening to a sermon and taking notes, my mind drifted off into regretting that I did not start taking notes decades earlier, and the time I had wasted.
Again, thanks for the post.