The fourth indictment is actually an ignorance of the doctrine of regeneration. I know that there are both Calvinists and Arminians here, and I know that there are all sorts of strange animals in between. I guess I call myself a “five point Spurgeonist.” But I want you to know this: Calvinism is not the issue. No, I’ll tell you what the issue is: it is regeneration!
And that is why I can have fellowship with Wesley, Ravenhill, Tozer, and all the rest—because regardless of where they stood on the other issues, they believed that salvation could not be manipulated by the preacher, that it was a magnificent work of the power of almighty God. And with them, therefore, I stand.
There is a greater manifestation of the power of God in the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit than in the creation of the world, or even of the universe, because He created the world ex nihilo: out of nothing. But He re-creates a man out of a mass of corruption. It is parallel with the very resurrection of our Savior from the dead.
I understand that in preaching there are teachers, preachers, and expositors; and all of them are very necessary for the health of the Church. But you must understand this. I have heard of old G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945) that when he would go up that majestic tower to preach, he would quote to himself, “as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before his shearers” (Isa 53:7). He knew that apart from a magnificent manifestation of the
regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, everything he said would be dead. It is the Spirit that gives life (Joh 6:63).
In that sense every one of us that proclaims the truth of God’s Word must proclaim as a prophet. What do I mean by that?—we are always Ezekiel standing in that valley of dry bones, and they are very dry (Eze 37:1-2)! And we walk out there and what do we do? We prophesy; we say, “Hear the Word of the Lord.” And we know that the wind of God must blow on these slain ones, or they will not rise again. And when you have fully grasped that in the innermost part of your being, you will no longer give yourself to the manipulation that is so often carried out in the name of evangelism. Instead, you will proclaim the Word of God—the doctrine of regeneration.
Look at the Wesleys; look at what they had to face. And look at my dear Whitefield too. Everybody at that time believed they were Christian, thoroughly Christian. Why?—because they were baptized as infants, brought into the “covenant,” and confirmed. But they lived like devils! Regeneration was traded for a type of credalism that was given authority by the
religious leaders of that day.
Then here came the Wesleys! No, they said, it is not right with your soul. You are not born again. There is no evidence of spiritual life. Examine yourself. Test yourself to see if you are in the faith (2Co 13:5). Make your calling and election sure(2Pe 1:10). “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7).
Here in America, because of the last several decades of modern evangelism, the idea of “born again” is totally lost. Now it only means that at one time in a crusade, you made a decision and you think you were sincere. But there is no evidence of a supernatural recreated work of the Holy Spirit in your life. “If any man,” not if some men, “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature” (2Co 5:17).
Paul Washer Ten Indictments Sermon