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Can I do this in html?

Gina B

Active Member
I'm trying to mark page numbers with a small number in a cirle where the next page of text should start. (for a book online). Since a number of real pages can fit on a 'puter page, I want to note on the webpage where each page in the real book starts.
And the other thing is how to make the sides clear! Like a certain amount of space on each side of the pages.
I'm new at this, btw, can ya tell?



While I don't know a quick answer to your first question, my personal solution to the second one would be to put your text in a table. When setting up the table, use the <TABLE ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0 WIDTH=80%> tag. those parameters should give you want you want.

In Christ,


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
A second option (even though you should probably stay with the table because it worked) is to use the <blockquote> tag.

As for your first, you're going to have to try a little cutting-and-pasting.

Open up whatever word processor you use, and try inserting a symbol. I found the circled numbers in mine (WordPerfect 2000) under the "Iconic" symbols. Insert each one, then try doing a cut-and-paste into your HTML document. Not guaranteed to work, but about the only thing I can think of off the top of my head.

Something else you might try: If you have Microsoft Word or WordPerfect, you should have an option to save a document as a web page. You might give that a shot....


For numbers in circles you'd probably have to use images (in this case number buttons, obtainable at many sites across the Web - but PLEASE, download them to your computer and then upload them to your site. Do NOT try to link to them directly) within a series of table cells. You can also use tables to give you other effects, though, such as the number in a box, or in a different color and/or font and/or size. In either case, put each page of text in one vertical cell (the <TR> command), and the page number in another cell, giving each cell its own set of commands (or using the page default for the main text, and alternate formatting commands or image tags for the page numbers).
Good luck!

Gina B

Active Member
LOL! This is kinda fun...I'm gonna end up with my own made up language here...kind of an html/thml mix and makin' it all work. I skeer me sometimes!
Thanks for the help, I didn't exactly get it yet but I will soon.
