Canada has gotten to be so politically correct that they almost outdo the UK on sheer nonsense.
Recently, the Canadians fined some oil company several million dollars over the deaths of 31 birds, but windmills kill thousands of birds in Canada (and the US) and no one says a word and there are no government fines.
The real problem for the liberals and all their tears is that when they defeat the conservatives and the capitalists and the Christians, then the jihadis are going to exterminate their soy boys and transgenders in a split second and the liberals are going to find themselves in the mosque on their faces pointing to Mecca forever.
Recently, the Canadians fined some oil company several million dollars over the deaths of 31 birds, but windmills kill thousands of birds in Canada (and the US) and no one says a word and there are no government fines.
The real problem for the liberals and all their tears is that when they defeat the conservatives and the capitalists and the Christians, then the jihadis are going to exterminate their soy boys and transgenders in a split second and the liberals are going to find themselves in the mosque on their faces pointing to Mecca forever.