Pat McHenry, a retired carpenter, lives in an apartment building in the town of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. He walked his little dog down the stairs, encountering no one, to the deserted parking lot. When he got back up stairs the Sarnia police ticketed him for $880. He called Rebel News, which promised to hire lawyers for this sort of thing so widespread in Canada, and they told his story.
The next day the Sarnia police again knocked on Mr. McHenry's door. This time they told him that they had good news that they were dropping the $880 ticket and then proceeded to present him with a ticket for $1255 for taking his little dog outside.
That's what happens in Canada.
The next day the Sarnia police again knocked on Mr. McHenry's door. This time they told him that they had good news that they were dropping the $880 ticket and then proceeded to present him with a ticket for $1255 for taking his little dog outside.
That's what happens in Canada.