In your last post you quoted Bonhoeffer:
It triggered a memory.
A few years ago, during a mission trip to Romania, one of the pastors there told us what it was like to be a Christian (he called them "repenters") under Communism.
He said when someone would come to them, expressing a desire to confess Christ as Lord, they did something which shocked me: They tried to talk him out of it.
He explained: They asked the new believer "do you understand what may happen once it becomes known you have become a repenter? Do you understand that you could lose your job, your family, you could be thrown in jail, you could be beaten up. Or the Communists might kill you. Now, do you still want to publicly confess Christ?"
The pastor said, "if he's still willing, then we are pretty sure his conversion experience was real."
There was no cheap grace in Romania under Communism.
I think the day is coming in America when the idea of cheap grace will fade away. Already, even today, we are getting glimpses of what it's costing some believers.