Is the ICC a different denomination than the CoC?
Yes, they broke off in 1993. I
Per Wikipedia,
International Churches of Christ, is a body of co-operating
[8] religiously conservative, and racially integrated
[6] Christian congregations. Beginning with 30 members in 1979 they grew to 19,172 members within the first 10 years. Currently they are numbered at more than 105,000.
[9] A formal break was made from the mainline Churches of Christ in 1993 with the organization of the International Churches of Christ.
In 2000, it was described as "[a] fast-growing Christian organization known for aggressive proselytizing to [US] college students" and as "one of the most controversial religious groups on campus".
For more
Also regarding their heretical cult like teaching not only baptismal regeneration, but also that a prospective convert must first become a disciple before being baptized, rather than the other way around, read below on the lengthy process and requirements this entails,
"Once you become a disciple, then you can be baptized, but you cannot be baptized until you become a disciple. And that’s where, as far as I know, the rest of the entire religious world got it all messed up. I don’t know of any religious group in this world that teaches you gotta be a disciple to be baptized, and yet that is what Jesus said two thousand years ago. And it’s as clear as any verse in the Bible. That’s as clear as John 3:16. That’s as clear as Acts 2:38. That’s as clear as any verse you’re gonna read, and yet I don’t know of any other religious group that teaches you gotta be a
totally committed disciple (emphasis added) of Jesus to get baptized into Christ.6
To become a disciple, the prospective convert must complete some or all of a series of studies with one or more ICC members,7 agree to attend all services,8 promise to read the Bible daily,9 begin recruiting others,10 agree to obey the church leaders,11 and give tithes weekly.12 Also, the individual must list all the sins he or she has ever committed,13 confess these sins to one or more members,14 and be “cut to the heart” by the severity of Christ’s death on the cross as atonement for our sins.15
After meeting all prerequisites, the prospective member’s eligibility for salvation then depends on the leadership determining if the candidate is ready for baptism. Ultimately then, receiving God’s grace in ICC depends on faith plus the completion of works, the presumptuousness of the leaders judging another’s heart, and water baptism."