I understood your post perfectly
Thank you for your response DHK.I will say that you stand by your position and your theological system which I no longer share with you. I believe that the system you follow has led you into much serious error or I would not speak directly agasinst it. These errors are quite serious in that I do not believe you can understand what I am offering to you scripturally.
As soon as it differs from your ideas you shut down and retreat to dispensationalism in all of it's failed ideas.
This goes so far as to speak against truth seeing it as error.At least our discussion of these things will demonstrate the differences and let the readers examine where they fit into the dicussion.
Rom.9:4 states quite clearly that the covenants were given to Israel.
yes it does say that.
And jn 3:7 says
that Nicodemus must be born from above;
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee,
Ye must be born again.
It clearly states that. So with your method of interpretation....if jn 3:7 says this to Nicodemus....only he was told he needed to be born from above...we cannot look anywhere else:wavey: That is what you are doing with Rom9:4...and with the teaching of covenants. as you say this;
Either one believes what it states or he doesn't. I believe what Romans 9:4 teaches.
In like manner...I believe what Jn 3:7 teaches...Nicodemus must be born from above.
You are in error. Dispensational theology is not false. Thus you are confused and look at the Bible in an erroneous manner.
One of us is wrong on this.I think I know who it is!
Both are not correct:thumbsup:You state what you believe......I will remain with my understanding and we will not find agreement.
The Bible says that we are saved by faith, not by covenant.
The scripture does not wrongly divide truth.We are saved by the Covenant work of the Lord Jesus Christ...through repentance and faith which are God given gifts.The scripture does not teach and either or as you evidently do.
You are in error and have set up a system of "works salvation." As Romans 9:4 states the covenants belong to Israel.
No one who believes as I do....ever believes in a salvation by works, no one.
That you repeat this idea from time to time shows you do not understand at all the position. At this time it does not appear you will unless and until you take a fresh look at the discussion.
I bear witness to what the Lord says through the Apostle Paul.
The covenants belong to Israel. Nothing could be more clear in Romans 9:4
I bear witness in the same way to Jn 3:7.....being born from above was for Nicodemus...Jesus said...
YE...must be born again.
Eph.2 is not speaking of Gentiles being included in "God's covenant plan."
That you say this is astounding to me,and you even repeat it.You were so busy getting in the phrase..."dispensation of grace, that you ignnored the central teaching of what that means...which is this DHK....
6 That the Gentiles should be
fellowheirs, and of
the same body, and
partakers of his promise i
n Christ by the gospel
1]fellowheirs...??? with who DHK? the non -covenant gentiles, In Christ are now....fellow heirs with the elect remnant of Covenant keeping Jews..imagine that!
2]the same body.......no heavenly people/earthly people...who remain two distinct people...no .no...ONE NEW MAN
3]partakers of His promise........His promise, His oath, and yes....His covenant.....just like the word used in titus which I quoted...promise.....is the Covenant.....you know...the One that is not used according to your ideas.
4] In Christ by the gospel.....the Covenant and the kingdom are all a part of the gospel....they are all comntained in Acts 16:31...whether you believe it is so ,or not.
You read the Scriptures through biased and rose-colored glasses. He is simply explaining to the believers at Ephesus how all these believers (Gentiles and Jews) are now one in Christ.
I do not divide up God's truth when God has revealed it as a complete whole as he reveals His eternal purpose to the church. The very thing dispensationism stands on "rightly dividing the scripture...has turned into wrongly dividing what God has put together.
There is no more division. The wall between them is broken down. That is the teaching of the passage. There is no covenant for the gentiles there.
Again you miss the whole point of gentile inclusion in the covenant.That is why it is written and you look at it ,dance around it, and miss it.:thumbsup:
The covenants are given to Israel. We are all one in Christ; not one in Israel. You have it backwards.
One of us has it quite backwards...I know who it is!
What is falsehood?
I was Catholic for 20 years. They believe in Covenant theology.
So do the Presbyterians, the Lutherans, the Anglicans and many others.
I don't. It is error. It is the wrong way of interpreting the Bible.
This is why many baptists are defective in the whole area of Covenant as I posted.You are the poster child of this.I believe it to be based on the wrong system....Dispensational error.
Yes...those who believe in Jesus will be saved
Yes by His mercy and grace found in the Covenant of redemption and grace.
The falsehood is to believe that one is saved through a covenant.
This statement is sure folly.To deny this fact is error.Jesus was sent by the Father to accomplish all of the terms of the Covenant. You can stay opposed to it. I will believe it.
Where does it say that in Scripture. This is the second time I ask you and you have no answer.
The teaching is found all through scripture...first revealed in Gen 3:15mostly found uses words like Covenant , Oath, Promise, Loyal Love,Mercy.
it does not always say the exact word.....Covenant....like when Acts 16:31 speaks of being "saved"...does not use the words...born from above.
maybe that is why you do not "see it" even though it is in many places.
My adherence was and is to the Word of God. I simply quoted you Acts 16:31, and you accuse me of wrongly dividing the Word. How does posting one verse wrongly divide the Word?
One verse does not stand alone...they stand in relation to God's complete revelation.One verse does not contradict any other as your system does ,wrongly dividing truth.
You are quite wrong on this teaching...no doubt.:wavey:
You posted a string of Scriptures that have to do with God's covenant between Jehovah and Israel. That has nothing to do with the NT believer. The covenant were given to Israel.
Some see it...some do not yet, but will in time, some will not see it.
The book of Ephesians was written to believers. They didn't need to be saved. If you don't know why Paul was writing that passage you should find out.
This has nothing to do with the discussion at hand but you revert to your poor method of interaction as if I do not know it was written to the church.
I know exactly why he was writing about God's electing love before time...His covenant mercies...that is what i express to you DHK...as you look but do not see it as it evidenced by what you post.
You are biased when you read the Scripture,
As if perhaps you are not??? Everyone is DHK.....even you my friend.
and furthermore need to establish an historical context before you jump to such conclusions.
More of the same....
You said "we are saved by the covenants."
Yes Jesus is in Covenant with the other persons of the Godhead
That is as close to heresy as one can get.
No..your next quote here is:
The only "covenant" that Christ makes is that one when we trust him as Savior and consequently have a personal relationship with him.
You lack understanding of the very basis of the salvation you speak about.
I don't need any other covenant.
God alone decides the terms and persons included in the Covenant.He did that before the world was...not when you felt like it DHK...
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
yes ...before the world began...the Covenant of redemption and grace...thats when it was DHK ...not when you did something a few tears ago...nope...
1 Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ,
according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;
2 I
n hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;
I have a personal relationship with Christ.
What you have is between you and God.
I hope you are not calling Paul a "lunatic" who spoke of the dispensation of grace in Ephesians 3.
That is only your opinion. You assert this without scripture.
No...not Paul. Only the system of dispensationalism which divides the truth and fragemnts it...that is lunacy.
God deals with individuals in His own way and in his own time. He is not confined by YOUR "defined" covenants. As if you could contain God and box Him in by your covenants is an absurd idea.
As I posted earlier God has revealed Himself as a Covenant keeping God...it is His idea and revelation...not an absurdity as you say-
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
The covenant was one-sided.
God's covenant always is.