Laws about clean and unclean very well described in the first Books of Moses (Torah). What actually clean and unclean Laws represent? They basically represent holiness and unholiness.
Because GOD is Holy, He want His people also be holy in spirit and in physical body. So GOD gave people Spiritual and Physical Commandments for such purpose in order to be spiritually and physically holy.
But in this post I would like present only physical holiness in relation to current situation with vaccines.
Leviticus 11.44-45 (Leviticus 19.2, 20.7.26, 21.6.8)
44."I am the Lord your GOD, sanctify yourselves, therefore and be holy, I am Holy. You shall not define yourselves with any swarming creature that moves on the Earth.
45.For I am the Lord Who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your GOD, you shall be holy, for I am Holy."
Clean and Unclean Laws mostly cover certain physical conditions of property, personal things, human diseases and conditions, animals, and foods. All of it suppose to give a certain knowledge to people how to recognize and separate clean from unclean and to be clean and holy before the Lord their GOD.
Concerning certain foods, the Law specifies very clearly who are clean and unclean animals, and who among them is suitable for food. Nutrients of food during digestion goes into our blood in order to feed all cells in our body. But our blood beside being physical and structured from physical cells also contain one, the most important part of our being, in it we have our spirit that gives our body life and our identity as human being.
The spirit which we have in our blood is the living energy of GOD which He had breathed into Adam, in order for Adam to be a living being.
Genesis 9.4
4."Only you shall not eat flesh with it's soul, that is it's blood."
Leviticus 17.14
14."The life of every creature its blood, is its life, therefore I have said to the people of Israel; 'You shall not eat the blood of any creature, the life of every creature is its blood, whoever eats it, shall be cut off."
Mixing the blood (soul-spirit) of superior creature as human being, in the blood of which resides the living energy of GOD, with inferior blood (soul-spirit) of animals - is abomination and great sin before the Lord.
Human blood contains the living energy of GOD which is gives our body life, polluting it with anything unclean considered a serious transgression, such person "shall be cut off."
Of course we are all extremely polluted with all those chemicals that we have in our air, drinks, water, and especially food, from all of which humans greatly suffer and dying in numbers. In addition to it our blood also extremely polluted with all kinds of drugs and pharmaceutical medicine, which make our blood even more polluted and creating even more misery and suffering for humankind.
We cannot change anything in our godless societies in order to improve our well-being and have access to clean water, clean foods, and clean holistic medicine, because of it we are also unclean before our GOD and cannot obtain required physical holiness specified in the Law of Moses. Willingly or Unwillingly we became physically unclean.
Upon reading official ingredients of vaccines it is already enough not to take them, not mentioning horrifying side effects and numerous deaths. Shall we pollute our blood even more with those vaccines beside all what pollutions that we already have in our body, and cause more suffering and deaths for ourselves? Does vaccines really works and necessary to take? Hearing latest news about vaccines, half of vaccinated people in some countries again end up in hospitals with new infections.
In whom we really put our trust and hope, in government, paid scientists and doctors, or in GOD?
Of course under Jesus Christ the Law of physical cleanness and uncleanness no longer suitable and applicable, because now only spiritual cleanness or uncleanness matters. But willingly polluting our own bodies and blood with untested and unproven cocktail of dangerous chemicals, will it do to us any good?
I heard number of times when some politicians said that benefits of vaccine out weight the side effects of it. But I think not for those who are already crippled for life and dead because of vaccination.
I believe that to some extend the Law of Moses concerning cleanness and uncleanness still relevant in some matters even today. By this I mean healthy eating using organic food, avoiding forbidden by GOD animals in our foods, unnecessary medicine, healthy life style, definitely these things will be much more beneficial to us than all the drugs, remedies, and vaccinations in the world.
GOD created immune system not for nothing, but to protect our body from all sorts of pollutions and infections, and it works always very well if it kept healthy and sound. Of course everything has its limits, but complete reliance and dependence on modern medicine also will not cure all the natural and man-made viruses that we have in this world, and in some instances will make situation ever worse.
Laws about clean and unclean very well described in the first Books of Moses (Torah). What actually clean and unclean Laws represent? They basically represent holiness and unholiness.
Because GOD is Holy, He want His people also be holy in spirit and in physical body. So GOD gave people Spiritual and Physical Commandments for such purpose in order to be spiritually and physically holy.
But in this post I would like present only physical holiness in relation to current situation with vaccines.
Leviticus 11.44-45 (Leviticus 19.2, 20.7.26, 21.6.8)
44."I am the Lord your GOD, sanctify yourselves, therefore and be holy, I am Holy. You shall not define yourselves with any swarming creature that moves on the Earth.
45.For I am the Lord Who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your GOD, you shall be holy, for I am Holy."
Clean and Unclean Laws mostly cover certain physical conditions of property, personal things, human diseases and conditions, animals, and foods. All of it suppose to give a certain knowledge to people how to recognize and separate clean from unclean and to be clean and holy before the Lord their GOD.
Concerning certain foods, the Law specifies very clearly who are clean and unclean animals, and who among them is suitable for food. Nutrients of food during digestion goes into our blood in order to feed all cells in our body. But our blood beside being physical and structured from physical cells also contain one, the most important part of our being, in it we have our spirit that gives our body life and our identity as human being.
The spirit which we have in our blood is the living energy of GOD which He had breathed into Adam, in order for Adam to be a living being.
Genesis 9.4
4."Only you shall not eat flesh with it's soul, that is it's blood."
Leviticus 17.14
14."The life of every creature its blood, is its life, therefore I have said to the people of Israel; 'You shall not eat the blood of any creature, the life of every creature is its blood, whoever eats it, shall be cut off."
Mixing the blood (soul-spirit) of superior creature as human being, in the blood of which resides the living energy of GOD, with inferior blood (soul-spirit) of animals - is abomination and great sin before the Lord.
Human blood contains the living energy of GOD which is gives our body life, polluting it with anything unclean considered a serious transgression, such person "shall be cut off."
Of course we are all extremely polluted with all those chemicals that we have in our air, drinks, water, and especially food, from all of which humans greatly suffer and dying in numbers. In addition to it our blood also extremely polluted with all kinds of drugs and pharmaceutical medicine, which make our blood even more polluted and creating even more misery and suffering for humankind.
We cannot change anything in our godless societies in order to improve our well-being and have access to clean water, clean foods, and clean holistic medicine, because of it we are also unclean before our GOD and cannot obtain required physical holiness specified in the Law of Moses. Willingly or Unwillingly we became physically unclean.
Upon reading official ingredients of vaccines it is already enough not to take them, not mentioning horrifying side effects and numerous deaths. Shall we pollute our blood even more with those vaccines beside all what pollutions that we already have in our body, and cause more suffering and deaths for ourselves? Does vaccines really works and necessary to take? Hearing latest news about vaccines, half of vaccinated people in some countries again end up in hospitals with new infections.
In whom we really put our trust and hope, in government, paid scientists and doctors, or in GOD?
Of course under Jesus Christ the Law of physical cleanness and uncleanness no longer suitable and applicable, because now only spiritual cleanness or uncleanness matters. But willingly polluting our own bodies and blood with untested and unproven cocktail of dangerous chemicals, will it do to us any good?
I heard number of times when some politicians said that benefits of vaccine out weight the side effects of it. But I think not for those who are already crippled for life and dead because of vaccination.
I believe that to some extend the Law of Moses concerning cleanness and uncleanness still relevant in some matters even today. By this I mean healthy eating using organic food, avoiding forbidden by GOD animals in our foods, unnecessary medicine, healthy life style, definitely these things will be much more beneficial to us than all the drugs, remedies, and vaccinations in the world.
GOD created immune system not for nothing, but to protect our body from all sorts of pollutions and infections, and it works always very well if it kept healthy and sound. Of course everything has its limits, but complete reliance and dependence on modern medicine also will not cure all the natural and man-made viruses that we have in this world, and in some instances will make situation ever worse.