Seeing Jackson in this exchange brought to mind a Supreme Court justice, Potter Stewart, who in 1964 declined to provide a definition for pornography. “Perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so,” Potter said. “But I know it when I see it.”
This was written by
By Monica Hesse
The last paragraph stated:
The judge again declined to answer the question in biological terms. Instead, she answered truthfully: “I know that I am a woman,” she said. And any woman watching her would have known it, too.
How does she know she is a woman is - if she doesnt know the definition.
This was written by
By Monica Hesse
The last paragraph stated:
The judge again declined to answer the question in biological terms. Instead, she answered truthfully: “I know that I am a woman,” she said. And any woman watching her would have known it, too.
How does she know she is a woman is - if she doesnt know the definition.