Found this on FB-
Open for discussion:
The Bible I read is superior to "the original autographs" because we actually HAVE it, and we can read, study, and memorize it.
I don't understand the thought process that thinks God was so stupid that he gave his words infallibly and then left us at the mercy of man's best efforts. The Bible tells me that God does some things based on foreknowledge. I believe God gave his words in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek in a form, that once translated into English, would be the final, perfected, purified form of his words for the largest audience ever in human history.
I don't believe God is so shortsighted and powerless that he would give his words and then lose them in dead languages. Is anything too hard for God? No - he gave us his words in English in EXACTLY the way he wants us to have them, in the King James Bible.
Open for discussion:
The Bible I read is superior to "the original autographs" because we actually HAVE it, and we can read, study, and memorize it.
I don't understand the thought process that thinks God was so stupid that he gave his words infallibly and then left us at the mercy of man's best efforts. The Bible tells me that God does some things based on foreknowledge. I believe God gave his words in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek in a form, that once translated into English, would be the final, perfected, purified form of his words for the largest audience ever in human history.
I don't believe God is so shortsighted and powerless that he would give his words and then lose them in dead languages. Is anything too hard for God? No - he gave us his words in English in EXACTLY the way he wants us to have them, in the King James Bible.