LeBuick said:
Fire and police are still examples of spreading the wealth when the rich pay their salaries but the poor use their services. You can't have it both ways, either we spread the wealth or we don't. Choosing to selectively spread the wealth is just another way of discriminating against the have nots...
You are so funny. I really can't help but laugh.:laugh: Not that you mean to be. But fire and police services as examples of spreading the wealth, or the rich paying for services which only serve the poor? Are you sure you wouldn't rather rethink this before continuing to make such statements!
When the fire department or police show up to protect the citizens or their property..... they serve rich and poor alike. They don't ask how deep or how shallow are your pockets before they apprehend a shop lifter, or take someone in for passing a bad check, or stop or catch a felon, or inspect businesses, and institutions for fire code compliance.... or fight a fire and stop its spread whether its in a place of business, a gated community, or a shack someone lives in in grown up woods. And, while some of their funds may come from the general revenu of state and federal dollars, it is the custom in my state that the fire department is separately assessed and fees charged to all property holders...... which are usually the ones to most benefit from their services.
Now, maybe you consider having a government job that is kept short staffed by lean budgets enough to practically all but guarantee job stability is 'distributing the wealth'...... but to most in these services..... and especially the police peace keepers..... I'll bet they have a different opinion regarding their wages for the risks and the bunk they have to put up with!