Do you think something like this could work?
Knowing the intricacies of Bible translation work and the limits of modern computers (including supercomputers) this wouldn't be accomplished with the precision needed and provided by well trained scholars.
Bible translation combines art and science. You have to be able to look at the texts, see the words, their usage, their parsing, their context, their genre, their author, their
Sitz em Leben along with knowing the theological points being made, the possibility of textual variants and how they influence a text, the other use of a term by the author(s), and the use of idiomatic language. Of course there are more that I can add but suffice to say proper translation is a difficult task.
While computers could, reasonably, get a translation within (say) 75% accuracy they would miss so many of these features.
I use Google translate a lot for rough translations. The program is good but not great. The other day I was trying to read something in German from a friend and tossed it through Google Translate just for funsies. The bulk of the email got through but Google Translate missed several significant points because the author (my friend) used several German idioms and colloquialisms. Instead of picking them up the program roughly translated them...and got it wrong.
The computing power that is available now is a wonderful thing. Yet it lacks sufficient intelligence to be able to thoroughly construct a precise and useful text. The computer could craft a rough draft but it would lack the detail human scholarship provides.
One parting illustration: Imagine if we attempted to do this with some of the great artists. Just toss in ideas, pictures, and such and ask a computer to spit out a product. Well I'm sure we'd get some great "hotel art" or some sterile piece of predictable, safe art but we'd lose out on the next Monet, Picasso, Michelangelo, or Dali. The art produced by the computer is limited to the abilities of the programmers. Programmers (in my encounters with them) often lack both creativity and the ability to think abstractly. Both of these qualities are vital to an artist. We'd be able to have art, but it wouldn't push us to where we need to go.
This is a great question btw. :thumbsup: