I detected a few problems with your line of reasoning SheEagle911:
Originally posted by SheEagle911:
, you came up with a good one.
A bonus---We wouldn't have to worry about trolls, either,
False Premise #1
Trolls are honest and would not think of misrepresenting themselves to gain entrance to a “conservative” Baptistboard.
cause conservatives would never stoop to trolling other conservatives,
False Premise #2
“Conservatives” don’t like to fight or see other people fight.
and who wants to troll liberals,
False Premise #3
“Conservatives” never post anything designed to deliberately inflame those whose views are to the ‘left’ of their own. (If you need any evidence, just look at the first post in this thread describing the “great gulf”.)
when ALL conservatives agree they are wrong anyhoo!!!
False Premise #4
All “conservatives” think alike.
We could have some GREAT discussions without interference - on all subjects!
False Premise #5
Expulsion of people with minority views will end discord.
False Premise #6
The Holy Spirit does not use people with minority views to bless, enhance and often correct the views of the majority.
While it is certainly tempting to get away from or ignore those with whom we disagree, I always find different opinions very helpful. Your recent suggestion for someone from a more fundamental background to lay out a basic clear-cut theology for all of us to read and understand was an excellent idea. I am saddened that no one has taken up the cause – but I understand it. Personally, I have avoided discussing certain issues because of the very real threat that everything I say will be completely distorted by those who have labeled me as a “liberal” who are deliberately trying to discredit everything I say. (I’m trying to pick my battles.)
There needs to be more listening and less angry debate – more discussion and less self-righteousness. I have been part of the problem and have tried to be part of the solution. I will probably continue to both succeed and fail as I try to do God’s work and share in the fellowship here.
Frankly, I’ve noticed that the moderation in some areas has not been up to snuff. On one thread I tried contacting both moderators with concerns, but one moderator’s private message box was full and the other has not even read my message – and it’s been about a week.
We all share responsibility and we can all correct the situation without dividing God’s people. We won’t all agree (we’re Baptists!!), but we can learn to be civil toward each other.