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Contemporary Christian Music: Good or Bad

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Dallasdid, Aug 20, 2003.

  1. Good- Contemporary Christian Music is great

  2. Bad-Contemporary Christian Music is wrong

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Dallasdid

    Dallasdid New Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    Contemporary Christian Music is listen to by many Baptist youth and now the debate is on is this music good or is it bad. It definately is a generation thing. You got the older people in the church who favor Southern Gospel and hyms and then the younger likes the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) So my question is Contemporary Christian Music Good or bad?
  2. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 20, 2002
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    Some is very good, some is very bad. You really can't make categorical statements about CCM as a whole.

    This doesn't necessarily hold true either. I know lots of older folks who intensely dislike Southern Gospel and a number of younger folks who love Southern Gospel.
  3. Joshua Rhodes

    Joshua Rhodes <img src=/jrhodes.jpg>

    Jun 9, 2003
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    It is not a generational thing. Subject matter is paramount to the discussion. There is also alot of "CCM" that is not good, and some that is very good. The problem comes when people try to generalize it all into one group.
  4. Mike McK

    Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Do you mean morally good or bad? I don't believe that it's either.

    There are individual artists and songs are OK and individual artists and songs that are not.

    For instance, I refuse to listen to Carman, as a rule, because he considers William Branham a "hero of the faith" and even went so far as to write a song praising him. In addition, he is a part of the WoF cult and this often finds it's way into his music.

    There are some songs of his which I would have no problem with with, such as "Revive Us, Oh Lord" or his versions of classic hymns. On the other hand, I have some serious problems with his songs such as the afforementioned William Branham song, "The Third Heaven" and "Satan, Bite the Dust".

    Phillips, Craig and Dean is another interesting example. They're Oneness Pentacostals who deny the Trinity but they have some wonderful songs that don't reflect their flawed theology.

    The vast majority of CCM artists are doctrinally sound and hold to orthodoxy but there are some out there who don't so it's up to you to know what you're listening to and to be able to discern between the good and the bad.

    Now, if you mean is it artistically good or bad, then 90% of it should be flushed.
  5. Pete

    Pete New Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    G'day & welcome Dallasdid [​IMG] Good to see you are not shy about jumping straight into one of the more...'interesting'...discussions that rages on the board [​IMG]

    I just got home from work and did not read the poll correctly. If I would have noticed "Choose up to 2" in time I would have voted both yes & no. As I didn't see that until too late I took the question as yes or no and voted no.

    I disagree that the problem is a "generation thing". I'm 34 and play all sorts of styles on a Strat. I also think Isaac Watts/Charles Wesley/etc are the greatest song writers that the Church has ever had, and most modern songs can't go anywhere near matching that standard. If it came to a choice of the best hymns vs the best CCM, I would take the hymns every time.

  6. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    As we have an entire Forum devoted to music, we are closing this thread here and moving it to that location.

    Hum a nice Christian song while your computer transfers you! :D
  7. showard93

    showard93 New Member

    Jun 14, 2003
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    I voted bad because the music is in my opinion is worldly and I don't think it pleases God because it is to much like the Rock music. Also some of the singers look like they need a bath and the men have longer hair than most women I know.
  8. ScottEmerson

    ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    LOL. You probably wouldn't have been a big fan of a guy named John the Baptist then, huh?
  9. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I am not going to say how old I am.....but I am not a youth! Tho I am very youthful! LOL.... Not a word fellows!

    CCM is not just for the youth!

    But I love CCM music. I like a wide variety of music. There are songs in the CCM catagory that do not belong there or anywhere, but as a whole I love it. Generally speaking, but most people who like CCM music also do like Hymnal music.

    But to say someone who sings CCM has long hair and does not take a bath is rediculous.

    And to say it is not pleasing to God is also rediculous.

    I make up songs all the time and sing them to tunes I have heard before that were not original Christian songs, and have been quite seious while singing them. Make a joyful noise. You do not decide for God what is pleasing. What you mean is it is not pleasing to you. And you are intitled to that opinion.

    God Bless
  10. DanielFive

    DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Don't think you could say that is ridiculous Sherrie, it's a view that is held by an awful lot of Christians both young and old.

    It wouldn't be right to say that ALL contemporary music is not pleasing to God, but I think the point being made is that certain types of CCM eg. rock, rap etc are identical to the secular equivolent, and sometimes the artists themselves are very similar in appearance to non-christian artists. I think it is fair to suggest that perhaps that might not be pleasing to God.

    God Bless

  11. JonathanDT

    JonathanDT New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    How is being similar in appearance displeasing to God? You mean that if I saw a picture of you and couldn't instantly recognize that you were a Christian solely from your appearance, you're not pleasing God? Some complaints about some "CCM" artists are valid, but this one is just absurd.
  12. JonathanDT

    JonathanDT New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    As for the poll question...some CCM is good, some is bad. You can't just put a blanket on it, that would be like saying that all Presbyterians are good or all are bad. Not so simple.

    There certainly ARE good Christian artists playing some very good music if you want to look for it. Supertones and Skillet are some popular bands who happen to be pretty good. Then there's tons of bad, Stacey Orrico and Plus One jump to mind. Judge each artist on their own merits, and remember that God has no mandated style of music and hasn't banned any particular style, any argument otherwise is pure legalism.
  13. DanielFive

    DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I didn't say it was JUST about appearance although Christians should always be modestly dressed and this would normally set them apart from secular pop stars.

    If it looks like a pig, and it sounds like a pig, and it rolls around in the mud
    with the pigs, it probably is a pig. Work it out. ;)
  14. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Could not vote because it lacked options like "some" or "most".
  15. DanielFive

    DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Dr Bob, I'd be interested to know which CCM artists you would consider to be GOOD. I'm not saying there isn't any but I'd like to know who specifically meets with your approval. How did you come across these artists?

    Also when you say 'good' do you mean good for worship or good to listen to outside of the worship service?

    Just for clarity.
  16. JonathanDT

    JonathanDT New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    Edna, I would like to know what CCM you consider bad. Not saying there aren't any, but how did you come across them, what specific songs are you judging them on, how many of their CD's have you heard, how many of their concerts have you attended, how many times have you met them personally.

    Just for clarity.
  17. DanielFive

    DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I would like to know what CCM you consider bad.

    Everything that I've ever heard.

    but how did you come across them

    Listened to UCB Europe to sample some of the CCM on offer and still hear the occasional song before/after listening to news/preaching whilst in the car. I also hear it when I'm in my local Christian Bookshop. Once in a while our church has special singing from professional (contemporary) artists.

    what specific songs are you judging them on,

    The ones I've heard and the lyrics which you occasionally post.

    how many of their CD's have you heard,

    I've never listened to an entire CCM CD as I've never bought one, this fool and his money are not THAT easy parted.

    how many of their concerts have you attended,

    Do you really need an answer to that question?

    how many times have you met them personally

    I've never met any that you would know.

    Just for clarity

    Hope that's clarified the situation for you.

    Nice to see that you are not suggesting that there are no bad CCM artists, what standards do YOU use when judging wheather a song is good or bad?

    Just for clarity. :rolleyes:
  18. JonathanDT

    JonathanDT New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    So you've never heard a CD of any kind let alone a couple of different styles, met any artists other then maybe some obscure Irish street artist, been to a concert of any kind, seen/know any lyrics other then the very few posted on here...now I understand what your problem is with CCM. It's just a simple matter of ignorance. You simply have no idea what really is out there. Ok, good to know.
  19. DanielFive

    DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    In this case IGNORANCE IS BLISS. I have no desire to learn any more about 'what is out there'.

    I strive always to avoid the ways of the ungodly.

    You're amazingly insolent for a ministers son, I can only assume your father spared the rod, more's the pity.

    If you can drag yourself away from your ungodly music for ten minutes consider Psalm 1.

    Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
    But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
    And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

    I'll include Matthew Henrys commentary on verses 1-3, hope you have a long enough attention span to read it all.

    Matthew Henry:
    The psalmist begins with the character and condition of a godly man, that those may first take the comfort of that to whom it belongs. Here is, I. A description of the godly man’s spirit and way, by which we are to try ourselves. The Lord knows those that are his by name, but we must know them by their character; for that is agreeable to a state of probation, that we may study to answer to the character, which is indeed both the command of the law which we are bound in duty to obey and the condition of the promise which we are bound in interest to fulfil. The character of a good man is here given by the rules he chooses to walk by and to take his measures from. What we take at our setting out, and at every turn, for the guide of our conversation, whether the course of this world or the word of God, is of material consequence. An error in the choice of our standard and leader is original and fatal; but, if we be right here, we are in a fair way to do well. 1. A godly man, that he may avoid the evil, utterly renounces the companionship of evil-doers, and will not be led by them (v. 1): He walks not in the council of the ungodly, etc. This part of his character is put first, because those that will keep the commandments of their God must say to evil-doers, Depart from us (Ps. 119:115), and departing from evil is that in which wisdom begins. (1.) He sees evil-doers round about him; the world is full of them; they walk on every side. They are here described by three characters, ungodly, sinners, and scornful. See by what steps men arrive at the height of impiety. Nemo repente fit turpissimus—None reach the height of vice at once. They are ungodly first, casting off the fear of God and living in the neglect of their duty to him: but they rest not there. When the services of religion are laid aside, they come to be sinners, that is, they break out into open rebellion against God and engage in the service of sin and Satan. Omissions make way for commissions, and by these the heart is so hardened that at length they come to be scorners, that is, they openly defy all that is sacred, scoff at religion, and make a jest of sin. Thus is the way of iniquity down-hill; the bad grow worse, sinners themselves become tempters to others and advocates for Baal. The word which we translate ungodly signifies such as are unsettled, aim at no certain end and walk by no certain rule, but are at the command of every lust and at the beck of every temptation. The word for sinners signifies such as are determined for the practice of sin and set it up as their trade. The scornful are those that set their mouths against the heavens. These the good man sees with a sad heart; they are a constant vexation to his righteous soul. But, (2.) He shuns them wherever he sees them. He does not do as they do; and, that he may not, he does not converse familiarly with them. [1.] He does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. He is not present at their councils, nor does he advise with them; though they are ever so witty, and subtle, and learned, if they are ungodly, they shall not be the men of his counsel. He does not consent to them, nor say as they say, Lu. 23:51. He does not take his measures from their principles, nor act according to the advice which they give and take. The ungodly are forward to give their advice against religion, and it is managed so artfully that we have reason to think ourselves happy if we escape being tainted and ensnared by it. [2.] He stands not in the way of sinners; he avoids doing as they do; their way shall not be his way; he will not come into it, much less will he continue in it, as the sinner does, who sets himself in a way that is not good, Ps. 36:4. He avoids (as much as may be) being where they are. That he may not imitate them, he will not associate with them, nor choose them for his companions. He does not stand in their way, to be picked up by them (Prov. 7:8), but keeps as far from them as from a place or person infected with the plague, for fear of the contagion, Prov. 4:14, 15. He that would be kept from harm must keep out of harm’s way. [3.] He sits not in the seat of the scornful; he does not repose himself with those that sit down secure in their wickedness and please themselves with the searedness of their own consciences. He does not associate with those that sit in close cabal to find out ways and means for the support and advancement of the devil’s kingdom, or that sit in open judgment, magisterially to condemn the generation of the righteous. The seat of the drunkards is the seat of the scornful, Ps. 69:12. Happy is the man that never sits in it, Hos. 7:5. 2. A godly man, that he may do that which is good and cleave to it, submits to the guidance of the word of God and makes that familiar to him, v. 2. This is that which keeps him out of the way of the ungodly and fortifies him against their temptations. By the words of thy lips I have kept me from the path of the deceiver, Ps. 17:4. We need not court the fellowship of sinners, either for pleasure or for improvement, while we have fellowship with the word of God and with God himself in and by his word. When thou awakest it shall talk with thee, Prov. 6:22. We may judge of our spiritual state by asking, "What is the law of God to us? What account do we make of it? What place has it in us?’’ See here, (1.) The entire affection which a good man has for the law of God: His delight is in it. He delights in it, though it be a law, a yoke, because it is the law of God, which is holy, just, and good, which he freely consents to, and so delights in, after the inner man, Rom. 7:16, 22. All who are well pleased that there is a God must be well pleased that there is a Bible, a revelation of God, of his will, and of the only way to happiness in him. (2.) The intimate acquaintance which a good man keeps up with the word of God: In that law doth he meditate day and night; and by this it appears that his delight is in it, for what we love we love to think of, Ps. 119:97. To meditate in God’s word is to discourse with ourselves concerning the great things contained in it, with a close application of mind, a fixedness of thought, till we be suitably affected with those things and experience the savour and power of them in our hearts. This we must do day and night; we must have a constant habitual regard to the word of God as the rule of our actions and the spring of our comforts, and we must have it in our thoughts, accordingly, upon every occasion that occurs, whether night or day. No time is amiss for meditating on the word of God, nor is any time unseasonable for those visits. We must not only set ourselves to meditate on God’s word morning and evening, at the entrance of the day and of the night, but these thought should be interwoven with the business and converse of every day and with the repose and slumbers of every night. When I awake I am still with thee. II. An assurance given of the godly man’s happiness, with which we should encourage ourselves to answer the character of such. 1. In general, he is blessed, Ps. 5:1. God blesses him, and that blessing will make him happy. Blessednesses are to him, blessings of all kinds, of the upper and nether springs, enough to make him completely happy; none of the ingredients of happiness shall be wanting to him. When the psalmist undertakes to describe a blessed man, he describes a good man; for, after all, those only are happy, truly happy, that are holy, truly holy; and we are more concerned to know the way to blessedness than to know wherein that blessedness will consist. Nay, goodness and holiness are not only the way to happiness (Rev. 22:14) but happiness itself; supposing there were not another life after this, yet that man is a happy man that keeps in the way of his duty. 2. His blessedness is here illustrated by a similitude (v. 3): He shall be like a tree, fruitful and flourishing. This is the effect, (1.) Of his pious practice; he meditates in the law of God, turns that in succum et sanguinem—into juice and blood, and that makes him like a tree. The more we converse with the word of God the better furnished we are for every good word and work. Or, (2.) Of the promised blessing; he is blessed of the Lord, and therefore he shall be like a tree. The divine blessing produces real effects. It is the happiness of a godly man, [1.] That he is planted by the grace of God. These trees were by nature wild olives, and will continue so till they are grafted anew, and so planted by a power from above. Never any good tree grew of itself; it is the planting of the Lord, and therefore he must in it be glorified. Isa. 61:3, The trees of the Lord are full of sap. [2.] That he is placed by the means of grace, here called the rivers of water, those rivers which make glad the city of our God (Ps. 46:4); from these a good man receives supplies of strength and vigour, but in secret undiscerned ways. [3.] That his practices shall be fruit, abounding to a good account, Phil. 4:17. To those whom God first blessed he said, Be fruitful (Gen. 1:22), and still the comfort and honour of fruitfulness are a recompense for the labour of it. It is expected from those who enjoy the mercies of grace that, both in the temper of their minds and in the tenour of their lives, they comply with the intentions of that grace, and then they bring forth fruit. And, be it observed to the praise of the great dresser of the vineyard, they bring forth their fruit (that which is required of them) in due season, when it is most beautiful and most useful, improving every opportunity of doing good and doing it in its proper time. [4.] That his profession shall be preserved from blemish and decay: His leaf also shall not wither. As to those who bring forth only the leaves of profession, without any good fruit, even their leaf will wither and they shall be as much ashamed of their profession as ever they were proud of it; but, if the word of God rule in the heart, that will keep the profession green, both to our comfort and to our credit; the laurels thus won shall never wither. [5.] That prosperity shall attend him wherever he goes, soul-prosperity. Whatever he does, in conformity to the law, it shall prosper and succeed to his mind, or above his hope. In singing these verses, being duly affected with the malignant and dangerous nature of sin, the transcendent excellencies of the divine law, and the power and efficacy of God’s grace, from which our fruit is found, we must teach and admonish ourselves, and one another, to watch against sin and all approaches towards it, to converse much with the word of God, and abound in the fruit of righteousness; and, in praying over them, we must seek to God for his grace both to fortify us against every evil word and work and to furnish us for every good word and work.


    If you require any further explanation let me know, its time someone tried to instill some sense into you.
  20. JonathanDT

    JonathanDT New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    In this case IGNORANCE IS BLISS. I have no desire to learn any more about 'what is out there'.

    I strive always to avoid the ways of the ungodly.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Good for you, now you just have to learn to discern what is truly Godly and ungodly.

    Humblest apologies if I offended you, but to quote the Supertones: "I call em like I see em." I really don't care much what you assume, but just FYI, a "minister's" (terrible wording, as we are all ministers, Pastor is much better) son is really no different from any other kid besides the fact we're put under a microscope by ignorant legalists.

    What exactly is your point with Psalm 1? Is it supposed to convict me of something?

    Guess I didn't have a long enough attention span to read the commentary. Calculus homework does crazy things to your mind late at night. But if you want to summarize it shortly then I'll try to read it.
