That being said, this absolutely could and I think WILL give way to the mark of the beast. If they win/steal the election perhaps someone who is known as one of the all time best public speakers will somehow end up in power. We know speaking abilities is the most repeated trait of the little horn. We also see which characters are rising to influence (again).
If they use the digital certificate that Bill Gates referenced in his reddit interview as a hand or forehead mark of some sort or even something like this: How a dot on your forearm could be the future sign of COVID immunity
I do agree is has to be issued by antichrist. I do agree it has to be on the right hand or forehead. But the ideas and technology are absolutely already openly on the table- and some other ideas are researchable but they aren't talking about yet- such as id2020 type of things.
Example, a vaccine, mrna that alters dna and is the first of it's kind by the way (see Zola Levitts youtube video on nephilim for interesting possibility on that), paired with a digital mark that has some medical data including proof of vaccine, could be all that is needed. We can't participate economically wothout a mask already in many ways. It isn't too far fetched to see the vaccine being mandatory and the implant or quantum dot tattoo or similar being required for purchases.
That being said I do expect it to develop further and there is reason to believe it will. Cashless is being talked about seriously now. The US Dollar is being challenged as the reserve currency now. And remember Gates and Obma helped India go cashless in 2016 and then someone scrubbed it off the net... That is weird huh. No doubt some people want a digital currency as you have talked about for some time. Can you think of a better way to bring that about?
So I suspect they bundle this all up into one package ordeal. Especially if the Manchurian man gets in. I would expect another strong (stonger) wave, more riots, and added terrorism. Honestly bet the farm on it Mark. They could then enact continuity of gov and the leader will become different than who is elected somehow.
I could go on and on mostly all of the top of my head but I will digress for now. God bless you guys. Oh and one more thing, America fits Rev 17 and 18.
If they use the digital certificate that Bill Gates referenced in his reddit interview as a hand or forehead mark of some sort or even something like this: How a dot on your forearm could be the future sign of COVID immunity
I do agree is has to be issued by antichrist. I do agree it has to be on the right hand or forehead. But the ideas and technology are absolutely already openly on the table- and some other ideas are researchable but they aren't talking about yet- such as id2020 type of things.
Example, a vaccine, mrna that alters dna and is the first of it's kind by the way (see Zola Levitts youtube video on nephilim for interesting possibility on that), paired with a digital mark that has some medical data including proof of vaccine, could be all that is needed. We can't participate economically wothout a mask already in many ways. It isn't too far fetched to see the vaccine being mandatory and the implant or quantum dot tattoo or similar being required for purchases.
That being said I do expect it to develop further and there is reason to believe it will. Cashless is being talked about seriously now. The US Dollar is being challenged as the reserve currency now. And remember Gates and Obma helped India go cashless in 2016 and then someone scrubbed it off the net... That is weird huh. No doubt some people want a digital currency as you have talked about for some time. Can you think of a better way to bring that about?
So I suspect they bundle this all up into one package ordeal. Especially if the Manchurian man gets in. I would expect another strong (stonger) wave, more riots, and added terrorism. Honestly bet the farm on it Mark. They could then enact continuity of gov and the leader will become different than who is elected somehow.
I could go on and on mostly all of the top of my head but I will digress for now. God bless you guys. Oh and one more thing, America fits Rev 17 and 18.