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creating dvd question


New Member
I am trying to put my pictures on a movie dvd with music but can't seem to get the song playing on it when I play it on t.v.... it does when I preview it on the computer for the beginning of it then when I hit play it stops.......any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks, Becky


What program are you using to produce the DVD?

And if the music was down loaded off the internet, the license might not burn to the DVD which would make the music not play.


Well-Known Member
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I will assume that your dvd is supposed to play the format that your computer dvd produces.

Try the disk in another dvd player and see if it works. Even though players are supposed to play they often do not. My son burns picture dvds and we have to try them in every player in the house to find one that will run them.

His burner is always the same but sometimes the disk works on our living room unit, and nowhere else, other times only my wife's puter will play them and at times she can't play them.

I've read that this is not uncommon either.

Not sure how that works out for all the stuff we backup to dvd :tonofbricks: maybe they will work in ten years and maybe they won't.


New Member
I'm using windows DVD maker...........It has a place to put music on the menu and I can do that and it plays o.k. but I was wondering how I can get it to play all the way through the movie....I am just putting music that came on my computer.


I usually build all of my movies in windows movie maker and then burn them with windows dvd maker. When you are in movie maker you can set the length of time each picture shows and insert varying transitions, etc and can adjust it fit the length of the audio. Movie maker also has an option for it to automatically make the movie using the pictures and music you have or you can edit things manually. I have never tried setting one up in dvd maker. Maybe movie maker will help.


Active Member
Site Supporter
Hi Becky,
If you get frustrated to the point of giving up, take your digital photos to Wal*Mart and make a movie DVD. You can clean up your photos, choose from a variety of songs, and the photos slide in and out from all directions very professionally. It's a wonderful tool and only $15. I've done it twice and was very happy with the quality both times.

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New Member
Thanks PJ , I had thought about that also. My home DVD really turned out pretty good, but never could get the music past the menu, but it was fun to make. Thanks for all your responces!
