May have you beat with the number of years in dealing with insurance companies on my own, with regards to my private insurance situations. :flower: My start date was 1966. Yours ?
Next, I spent quite a few years as an insurance administrator in a corporate environment. Everything from helping fellow employees file claims to putting out both corporate and group insurance contracts out for bid. Dealt extensively with coverage limitations and exclusions. Both in defining what should and shouldn't be in those contracts and in advising employees how to work within those limits.
For example --- Be sure to start your major dental work in this calendar year so you can finish it in the next. There is an annual limit in our policy. Don't wait until January 1. If you do, you'll lose the existing benefit of what's available until Dec 31. If Susie Q didn't listen, she had to pay out of pocket, complaining all the while about the unfairness.
What do you mean "there is no government option in ObamaCare"? Scratching my head over this comment.