I am a conservative, most who know me know this, but I don't really have a problem with the doctrine in this sense;
I watch Oreilly and I use to like Hannity and Colmns because they bring on speakers from both sides of the issues. By donig this the left wingers are exposed as to how foolish their arguments are. If all you have is a conservative preaching to you about how foolish the liberals are it isn't as convincing as hearing it straight from the horses mouth.
Bring-em on! Let the world hear their distorted views. I think it would do the conservative radio a service they are not considering. Just think, you have the left-wingers right there in front of you and you start shooting questions at them and let the public listen to them try to defend the indefensible!
Anytime I ever watched a liberal try to defend such things as global warming or Evolution they just come off as idiots. Lay the facts on them and watch-em squirm!
Hey, speaking of Evolutionist, I was on the history channel the other day and there was a woman on there explaining why modern women expect the man to stick around and help raise the kids. She was talking about how the chimps and apes are our closest relatives and how the females take care of raising the kids while the male just goes about mating whom he will and making babies. She said this changed when we began to stand up and walk on two feet because prior to this the female could carry the kids on her back and it was pretty easy for her, but when she started walking on her feet upright she now had to carry the kids in her arms and it was alot tougher, so she now needed the male to help her out, so this is how the men had to start helping with taking care of the children.
Yeah, let-em speak! We have nothing to fear. :laugh: