A few years ago David Jeremiah predicted a coming Economic Armageddon on this country and then last year Joel Rosenberg wrote about similar things in his book Implosion. My fear is that both authors will be correct and that other cities will follow suit. No I cant prove it, but you watch and see if I am right. Some signs mentioned are as follows.
The Polarization of wealth which will lead to a vanishing middle class
The Priority of Oil
The Preoccupation with Materialism
High unemployment & taxes
It cannot be ignored that America is more than 15 Trillion in debt much of which to China. Many of our government programs are in deep debt and these continued trends will mean that our country itself will fall. Detroit has deeply mismanaged her finances, and who knows how long it will be for our cities to follow suit and also file bankruptcy.
The Polarization of wealth which will lead to a vanishing middle class
The Priority of Oil
The Preoccupation with Materialism
High unemployment & taxes
It cannot be ignored that America is more than 15 Trillion in debt much of which to China. Many of our government programs are in deep debt and these continued trends will mean that our country itself will fall. Detroit has deeply mismanaged her finances, and who knows how long it will be for our cities to follow suit and also file bankruptcy.