Yes, it is a very big deal. When there is corruption, however, it starts at the top. This is the most corrupt administration this country has ever had in our history. To be shocked that evil and corruption would seep over into the Secret Service or any other government entity is being naive. It starts at the top. Morale in the SS is quite low, obviously. Ever wonder why someone who takes an oath to protect the POTUS would throw that oath and career away? Maybe they are a little bit more in the know about the goings on of this administration than what the American public is. And because of that, they no longer care. Not to condone their behavior, not to condone putting national security at risk, but who says our national security hasn't been put at risk by those at the very top? There is more to this story than what has been reported and maybe we won't know about it ever, but I still the other hand.