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Disk Space Problem


Site Supporter
On my desktop, I am using Windows XP and have been getting a message that my disk space is below 200 MB and that I need to delete some programs to free up some space. There are no programs that I can remove to add more free space.

As of today, I cannot even type a document in Word. The cursor does not show up on the blank document and when I press a key on the key board, nothing happens. I get a message that I don't enough have disk space to perform the function.

Will freeing up some files help me? I do have around 200 -300 pics stored in files. Will it help if I load the pics on CD?

I am not too technically oriented, so any simple advice you can offer will be appreciated.


Active Member
how large is your hard drive?

Have you tried deleting temporary internet files? Temp files? Have you performed "disk cleanup" under your start-->all programs-->accessories-->system tools?

The pictures you describe...how much space does that involve? (that will only be a very temporary solution IMO)

is an additional hard drive an option? And are you sure you can't do without a program or two?

If you're that full up, and you can't delete some significant program space, you're gonna have to upgrade on a hard drive/add another one, I think...
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Site Supporter
Thanks for your suggestions. I did a search and found the website listed below. Using the troubleshooting steps the site gave me, I think I have solved my problem. I had almost 2800 temp files that I deleted. I thought I was deleting them on a frequent basis, but apparently I wasn't. In addition to deleteing these files, I ran my spybot program and adware programs and deleted some stuff through that. My fingers are crossed, hoping that my problems are solved.

Some of you who are not too techie with these gadgets may find this site to be helpful:



New Member
I've used that site for bout 3 yrs now. Very helpful. Course I usually give the folks here first shot....have my priorities ya know!!
If you have a smaller HD like me....8GB...& are on the internet a lot You do frequent cleaning of .tmp files, even most log files can be deleted. If you still have the uninstallers for your MS updates & don't need them they can be deleted too. There hidden files in case ya don't know. I've been using CCleaner which I've come to appreciate as a file cleaner.
Might want to check & see how big your registry is too.It's not usually huge, compared to the filing system, but if big it can slow you down.
I don't know about XP,...but on 2000 you can compress your HD to get more space.If you can then that will help too.


<img src =/6412.jpg>
You NEED CCleaner.
CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

You can choose what CCleaner cleans up. I have mine set for almosy everything... but not my cookies in Firefox. I use an extension for FF to protect the cookies I want (like my login here on the BB) and to delete the ones I don't.

CCleaner is definitle worth the download.

Brother Bob

New Member
I hate to tell you but all the new programs take up much more space than the older ones. If you use Norton, it takes up a huge amount of drive. Windows XP is also another large program. Word Office, if you have it takes up a lot of space.
Computers become old very fast and someone mentioned 8gig hard drive. Well, you need to get at least 80gig anymore and I have 120. I doubt if I will ever use it but who knows. This new windows "vista" I am sure will take a large amount of drive.
I would start backing up my important files for you will no doubt have to go to a larger Hard Drive soon, even if you remove the files you speak of. Those files will not help very much but will give you a few days. Reach in your pocket and pull out some of that money you been holding back from your wife and buy you a hard drive is my "advice". Good luck,


New Member
I have an older computer with only a 40 gig hard drive and started running into space problems until I bought a 160 gig external hard drive. I keep all my pictures and music/audiosermon files on that and leaves me with plenty room.


New Member
Vista uses 400 meg of RAM at pure idle . . .

It is a fat dirty hog . . .

Brother Bob said:
I hate to tell you but all the new programs take up much more space than the older ones. If you use Norton, it takes up a huge amount of drive. Windows XP is also another large program. Word Office, if you have it takes up a lot of space.
Computers become old very fast and someone mentioned 8gig hard drive. Well, you need to get at least 80gig anymore and I have 120. I doubt if I will ever use it but who knows. This new windows "vista" I am sure will take a large amount of drive.
I would start backing up my important files for you will no doubt have to go to a larger Hard Drive soon, even if you remove the files you speak of. Those files will not help very much but will give you a few days. Reach in your pocket and pull out some of that money you been holding back from your wife and buy you a hard drive is my "advice". Good luck,


New Member
400mgb of ram....heh, I wouldn't know how to handle that much memory!! The reason I can get by with a small old HD is I don't store much. If I download music...I burn it to CD & delete it. Even put pics on CD. I wanted to try out a newer version of linux, burnt a live CD then I don't have to install. Sides I ain't got no money hid from my wife...ani't never got enough to hide period!!!

Magnetic Poles

New Member
The good news is that hard drives are cheap these days. As for photos on a hard drive, the only consistent thing about these drives is that ALL of them will eventually fail. As photos cannot be recreated, I would back them up to CDs or DVDs and make multiple copies. Don't trust your HDD for long term archival of them.