Not Trustworthy
:saint: John Calvin was just a fallible man and a sinner just like the rest of us. We ALL need to remember that. Personally I find his words and teachings to be just as uninspired and fallible as any other man. Like any other man his words must be measured and scrutinized and held up to the searchlight of God's Word to be tested. John Calvin was simply another man who created a theological "system" to try to explain the Mind of God from the standpoint of FALLIBLE human wisdom. In my opinion he failed in many ways. As Born-Again (if we are) Bible-Believing Christians(if we are) we should trust ONLY the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth by reading and studying the perfect and PRESERVED Word of God. We should also constantly be humbly praying for Godly wisdom and discernment so that we won't be misled by the fallible words of fallible men but rather that we will be led into the truth for the SAKE and purposes of God and our Savior,the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything we say or do or seek to become should be for His sake and His GLORY and to His PRAISE. There is no higher purpose for the child of God. To endlessly debate the particulars of salvation,foreknowledge,predestination,election,etc. solves NOTHING among professing just veers us off-course as to why God saved us...and that is that we should be conformed to the image of His dear Son,the Lord Jesus Christ,and be the firstborn among MANY BRETHREN (in short that means get saved ourselves and SPREAD THE WORD so that others will do the same). Who gets saved and who CAN BE SAVED is NOT our affair. That's God's business. We just need to keep our "eye on the ball" and SPREAD THE WORD FAITHFULLY. The results are His business. The rest we'll know when we get to heaven....Praise God!! God Bless Ya'll!!:thumbs:
Greg Perry Sr.:godisgood: :saint: