I suppose I do fidget at times, but I don't remember my fidgeting ever bothering anyone that may be near by me when I'm doing it.
OTOH, I know people who practically drive me insane (Yeah, I know....I'd have to put it in reverse to get back to insane! :smilewinkgrin

with their almost constant jingling of either their pocket change or their keys (or both) when I'm trying to listen to the sermon that's being preached.
They're probably not even aware that they're doing it, but WPE3BQL certainly is quite aware of it!
And it's not just the people in the pews that are guilty of saying things that to me are just a means of "mentally fidgeting."
Case in point is the pastor of FBC in Atlanta. Yep, old Charley Stanley drives me nuts with his incessant "LISTEN!" What purpose does that serve? I mean, if your preaching is so poor that you have to constantly remind people to "LISTEN!," maybe you need to rethink your preaching style or something.
After a while, I get so frustrated at his clamoring for me to "LISTEN!," I just turn my radio to some other good station that doesn't require me to "LISTEN!" about every 30 seconds.
I don't mean to be overly critical of Bro. Charley, but one would think that after all these many years of his public ministry, he'd avail himself of some kind of speech therapist to train him to stop saying "LISTEN!" so often.
Maybe he has done this but the therapist's therapy just didn't stick. I don't know if that's the case or not. Maybe this is just another example of how hard it is to "to teach an old dog new tricks."
Well, you've "LISTENED" long enough to my little pet peeve about the man some claim to be "America's Pastor." :wavey: