Sometimes in a major way, sometimes not so much.
I was on Lyrica, which I quit because all I did was SLEEP, but am now reconsidering after over a year of seeing what flares are like without it. I's tough to choose between the two because when I'm NOT in a flare, I do pretty good!
Flare-limits walking, lots of pain, I usually won't work during those times. Lots of other lovely things accompany it that I won't mention!
It's kinda crazy to go from one extreme to the other. Being able to run around a gym and have fun one day, being almost totally worthless the next, but at least I've learned how to (usually) tell a flare approaching. And have my make up ready. LOL First sign is usually this lovely butterfly rash and more on my face, which makes me look monstrous imo, but others don't see it the way I do. That is good. The bad part is that with that skin rash comes flaking, peeling skin on my face and head, so much so that I have to clean my glasses often and that is VERY demeaning to feel like you're walking around shedding skin. I can rub my face with my hand and it comes away covered in skin cells. GROSS! The part that affects my organs and such is much more serious, but it's the cosmetic part of it that really annoys me in public and makes it the toughest to deal with.
No woman wants to walk around feeling she looks like a diseased, ugly hag.