WSJ article verifying the machines can be easily hacked
Why a Data-Security Expert Fears U.S. Voting Will Be Hacked
In 2005, a concerned Florida election supervisor asked the Finnish data-security expert Harri Hursti to hack into one of the state’s commonly used voting machines to test its vulnerability. The verdict wasn’t reassuring. By modifying just a few lines of code on the machine’s memory card, Mr. Hursti says, he could change the results of a mock election.
That same model, he adds, will be among those used in the 2020 elections. (A spokesperson for the machine’s vendor, Dominion Voting, says that these weaknesses were fixed in 2012, but Mr. Hursti says that he has tested the new version and found the updates insufficient.)
Democrats may still get away with the steal here...they have so far
People's trust in election integrity should be about zero seeing what is happening. If it is not, then they wilfully ignore what is painfully obvious, and the human penchant for lying and deceiving, ESPECIALLY in politics. The ones who hated Trump would not hesitate to steal and cheat to see him gone, just like the 30% revenge voters who voted Biden, dont really care about the well being of the country, only their own egos, "we did it Joe, we beat him"