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Donald Trump and Trans Policy

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by canadyjd, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    “They should be able to use the bathroom of their choice” —— Donald Trump POTUS

    Many of DT’s supporters are very outspoken against trans policies implemented in schools and businesses, especially toward using bathrooms/locker rooms.

    However, these same DT supporters give him a pass on the issue, even though his political position stated publicly by DT himself is that “they should be able to use the bathroom of their choice”

    DT has never changed his position on this issue, even after the two girls in Florida were assaulted in bathrooms by a boy wearing a skirt.

    For DT supporters, why give him a pass in the issue?

    peace to you
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  2. 777

    777 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 25, 2006
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    what's with all your "explain your support of Trump to me" threads? FTR, his covid record is far more offensive to me, he handed the country over to that evil elf and never fired him. Trump's worst fault, at least to me, is that he can be a terrible judge of character and over-delegates.

    But, as to this thread, you're just off base. Trump did let some tran in one of his old pageants, but he has NEVER supported this in public schools:

    Trump just made it official: transgender students no longer have an ally in the White House

    Trump administration signals change in policy for transgender students – The Morning Call
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  3. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    April 16, 2016 NBC Today Show town hall, responding to a question about North Carolina law prohibiting trans from using bathroom of choice, he said they should be allowed to use bathroom of choice.

    The links you provided refer to undoing Obama decision to expand Title IX protections to include gender identity. He opposed it because it expanded Federal law without going through congress.

    In that decision, DT stated schools must do every thing they can to protect trans students. That gave schools the cover they needed to implement bathroom policies that allowed trans to use bathroom of their choice.

    In no way did DT issue executive orders or push legislation to protect our children from the radical left propagandizing our children with trans ideology or sharing bathrooms.

    FTR, I am starting these threads because I have noticed a disconnect between some DT supporters and their own beliefs and the positions DT has actually taken. I am curious why they give him a pass on the issues they are passionate about.

    FTR (2) I voted for DT twice and will vote for him again if he is the nominee. I will not vote for him in the primaries I see at least three better options.

    peace to you
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. 777

    777 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 25, 2006
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    no, that was just one of ,his many blurts;

    Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want

    He wasn't talking about schools and it was and is a state issue. Trump didn't implement these policies, Obama did, Trump reversed them, then Biden has expanded Obama's policies:

    Trump: Transgender people can use whatever bathroom they want
    (remember, plus is for pedophilia)

    and don't forget this:

    Trump's controversial transgender military policy goes into effect

    Biden reversed and expanded on that, too. I do see why you're asking the democrats on this board to defend their leader's policies, you are a primary guy but I've only lived in states where the primary comes so late, the candidate is a done deal. At least three? Hmmmm, DeSantis, V, maybe Tim Scott - hope it's not Nikki or Crispy. Regardless, none of them have a chance. and it's not Trump's record or position on the issues here - in fact, on the trans thing, RDS is far more impressive, bringing Disney to their knees like that, but there is a yuge backlash to TDS. Any of these people (and I'm including that loopy Kennedy) beat what we've got now.
  5. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Again, why give him a pass?

    You are correct that he pushed it to the states and let them make the decision about students/bathrooms/locker rooms. Look where it led.

    He could have taken a firm stance for title IX and women’s rights (current federal law) or women and girls privacy rights (US Constitution) but he didn’t. He hasn’t spoken out on the issue beyond “let them use the bathroom of their choice” which you have noted he stated on several occasions.

    He made a decision that states must protect trans students and the states ran with HIS policy of using the bathroom of their choice.

    He is vulnerable, imo, on this issue.

    peace to you
  6. percho

    percho Well-Known Member
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    Dec 7, 2009
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  7. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    This is the same story 777 already linked to, I think. This is a reference to DT undoing an Obama decision that applied title IX protection for women to include trans students.

    DT position was it was inappropriate to use title IX without congressional approval. He stated in that same decision that states must protect trans students, letting the states decide. The states ran with it, and implemented DT’s stated policy of letting them use the bathroom of their choice.

    He has never publicly changed his position as far as I know. He hasn’t spoken out against trans in women’s sports, as far as I know.

    peace to you