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Racially prejudiced? YES.
Donald Trump Is Using False Statistics to Make a Racist Point
He tweeted a photo with completely made-up statistics about black crime.
At this point, it should come as no surprise when Donald Trump manipulates the truth to his political advantage. However, presenting false racially-biased statistics a day after an African-American protester was thrown out of one of his events, doesn’t send the best message.
Earlier on Sunday afternoon, Trump did his weird version of a manual retweet of an image depicting a man (in this context, assumed to be black), with a bandana over his face pointing a gun sideways towards a list of wholly fabricated statistics.
The image alleges that 97 percent of African-Americans were killed by African Americans, while only 1 percent of murdered African-Americans were killed by police. These two statistics are demarcated from the rest in blue and red ink respectively. It also claims 81 percent of whites who are killed are killed by blacks, which is pure race-baiting at its most ignorant. The numbers in this erroneous image are attributed to the “Crime Statistics Bureau - San Francisco,” and reflect 2015 data.
For one thing, a “Crime Statistics Bureau” does not exist. The FBI is responsible for this data and they have yet to release a report on 2015, because, well 2015 is not over yet.
Secondly, whoever made that image did so with the intent of lying about the percentage of white Americans killed by black Americans. In 2014, that number was 14 percent, not 81 percent.
Additionally, in the graphic, only 16 percent of whites are killed by other whites. In the same FBI report, it clearly states that 82.3 percent of whites are in fact killed by other whites, which is very similar to the number of blacks killed by blacks (89.9 percent).
Finally, when the Daily Beast reverse google image searched the picture, the only yielded results were attributed to YouTube videos in Arabic, which featured a duplicated image of the man in the picture Trump shared.
This explicit truth-bending is only compounded by the fact that a Black Lives Matter protester named Mercutio Southall Jr. was kicked out of a Trump rally in Alabama on Saturday.
“Get him the hell out of here, will you please?” Trump requested at the rally. “Get him out of here. Throw him out!”
He's a sad man who has figured out from listening to conservative talk radio that the formula for winning the political right is to say what they are too timid to say. but as he and talk show hosts become less timid, so will their audiences.
Ain't it good to be on the political right?
Liar on the left. Liar on the right. But the political right will find a way to convince themselves to vote for more unGodliness because it's the lesser of two evils. and then they will go and sit in their churches and call into their talk shows about taking "America back" or how the morals of the country have gone to Hades, never willing to admit to themselves that their voting for evil, helped get it there.