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WOW, ANOTHER PATTERN I AM SEEING, GUESS IT IS JUST MEANT TO BE. It is an inevitable pattern because of many factors I will mention later. It is one of ….”It seems everyone likes me a lot, till they realize I actually have a brain and know how to use it”…lol….And only those who are at the same level or stronger can survive me. Like-Mindedness does count for much. Not like it is me having a problem with them, but them with me, so to me it is THEIR PROBLEM, wouldn’t you think? You’ll see why in a minute…. I’m sure I have quirks or whatever that also turns people off, we all do, not everyone is for everyone and we shouldn’t even strive to be. We’ll one of my strongest attribute is also my weakest…like I posted before; “My brain is both my greatest asset and also my worse curse….I THINK I THINKETH TOO MUCH”…. Every positive has a negative and here is why.
For one people like me are rare (I know I looked it up and I am in the 1%...not bragging it just is) and there are good reasons why, and it isn’t our fault, but it is TO THE ONE who to some extent didn’t do all they could do or be all they can be. Sad thing is we are on a downward trend in most ways to leading to more ILLITERACY, lack of MORALS, ETHICS, RESPECT, TRUTH and just trying be better…Compare us to some other countries, go ahead learn something, google it. That is what makes me and others different. There seems to be a common thread in those I meet who get me and I get them….There is NO jealousy involved, there are NO insecurities, there are no competitions, we are not becoming POLAR OPPOSITES based on these factors. We actually enjoy each other’s company and we want to help them be better and reach their God given and inspired goals. If ONLY those who allow the differences to cause a wedge would see that, “hey, I may not be as gifted or talented in this area, so let me be thankful for the one who is and encourage them…God gave it to them for a reason.”…work on the ones He did give you and look for more ways to improve. I have also found that the one who LEARNS from such a one, can soon possess that which he so coveted in the first place…PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE…that is exactly how I am able to do the things I do…LEARN and DO!...Today’s youth and even a generation ago, has stopped TRYING, and basically want everything right now, and it’s all about entitlement, due to a CHILD RUN HOME and not a PARENT RUN one. All they’ve done with their fingers and hands is play with some kind of technology, and no more face to face conversation and any real relationship building etc. I could go on and make a whole new article on that subject alone. Anyway, I have found that those who were shielded from such devices or were limited and monitored like my boys were, are so much more interesting and knowledgeably and might have a little more wisdom to pass down than those who lived in fantasy land…that is fine for those who want to live there, but don’t complain about US WHO DON’T…personally, I feel that wasn’t God’s intention in the first place and yes the “FALL” made it all worse…It is said we only use 10% of our brain…and I’m looking around thinking it is probably less. Anyway, it is a very good thing to have people around us who are WORKING on what God intended us to work on in all areas of our life…like a good running car the more you take care of it and use it for what it was intended for, then you’re going to get the most use out of it. Well, I think through circumstances growing up, innate tendencies, be exposed to so many hands on things in my life, traveling etc. I AM WHO I AM….I purposely tried to learn from others and seek answers in all things and just life in general, etc. Why does that make me WRONG or a bad person? But it does……
I am sorry, that I “INTIMIDATE” people, I am sad to think I would “OFFEND” anyone for that is not my intention or my heart. And if only people KNEW my heart and just know that I mean well. But things are the way they are, I am who I am….and as long as I am not sinning or purposely trying to be mean to you…IF I AM CONFRONT ME, but you better be right about it….otherwise give me grace and understanding and love the way Jesus would.
Not sure how the bible study is going to go as only 3 got back to me…one a husband and wife who tried to be nice in their long letter, but they got many digs in all based on ASSUMPTIONS, cause they don’t really know me. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE JUDGE! Another said, they would pray for me and thanked me for sending them the info I did…I sent them all. I find the same thing to be true on forums….more attacks and negativity than anything good, like over 80%...that can be a hard pill to swallow. The one that keeps popping up which is true, yet at the same time isn’t. Is I am being arrogant…honestly, when I write or say what I do, it isn’t because I think I’m better than anyone else or smarter etc…that is YOUR perception based on assumption. All I am doing is SHARING in order to HELP others…see that is how I learned all that I have, from others, so I want to impart the same opportunity for others to learn as well. Maybe the saddest thing is most are their own worst enemy when it comes to learning and growing cause of their PRIDE (not mine) their jealousy, their insecurities and all the things I mentioned in the beginning.
IDK, I just wish people would understand my HEART and also WHERE I CAME FROM, if one would only get outside of themselves and look at me the way God does and that is how we should see everyone…the way God does. And see that I came from an upbringing of hell (I should really be messed up but I’m am not) and abandonment, where anyone who had me didn’t really SPEAK to me, I was telling Sarah today, (we mainly were discussing “communication” not the other stuff I am about to mention) how my parents never praised us, I was beaten, we were slaves, they never had CONVERSATIONS or DISCUSSIONS with us unlike hers do. I was locked in my room for over 4 years…(I read hundreds if not thousand of books) and worse yet I didn’t even have good relationships at school, heck I didn’t even finish high school and flunked 3rd grade English. etc. etc…I could go on, but you get the point. God has done a wonderful work IN ME, and if I am not portraying that message I am sorry…I wouldn’t be WHO I AM if He didn’t create me and so on.
Please take what I say whether in person or written and know my heart is right, even though I may not always say it right.
For one people like me are rare (I know I looked it up and I am in the 1%...not bragging it just is) and there are good reasons why, and it isn’t our fault, but it is TO THE ONE who to some extent didn’t do all they could do or be all they can be. Sad thing is we are on a downward trend in most ways to leading to more ILLITERACY, lack of MORALS, ETHICS, RESPECT, TRUTH and just trying be better…Compare us to some other countries, go ahead learn something, google it. That is what makes me and others different. There seems to be a common thread in those I meet who get me and I get them….There is NO jealousy involved, there are NO insecurities, there are no competitions, we are not becoming POLAR OPPOSITES based on these factors. We actually enjoy each other’s company and we want to help them be better and reach their God given and inspired goals. If ONLY those who allow the differences to cause a wedge would see that, “hey, I may not be as gifted or talented in this area, so let me be thankful for the one who is and encourage them…God gave it to them for a reason.”…work on the ones He did give you and look for more ways to improve. I have also found that the one who LEARNS from such a one, can soon possess that which he so coveted in the first place…PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE…that is exactly how I am able to do the things I do…LEARN and DO!...Today’s youth and even a generation ago, has stopped TRYING, and basically want everything right now, and it’s all about entitlement, due to a CHILD RUN HOME and not a PARENT RUN one. All they’ve done with their fingers and hands is play with some kind of technology, and no more face to face conversation and any real relationship building etc. I could go on and make a whole new article on that subject alone. Anyway, I have found that those who were shielded from such devices or were limited and monitored like my boys were, are so much more interesting and knowledgeably and might have a little more wisdom to pass down than those who lived in fantasy land…that is fine for those who want to live there, but don’t complain about US WHO DON’T…personally, I feel that wasn’t God’s intention in the first place and yes the “FALL” made it all worse…It is said we only use 10% of our brain…and I’m looking around thinking it is probably less. Anyway, it is a very good thing to have people around us who are WORKING on what God intended us to work on in all areas of our life…like a good running car the more you take care of it and use it for what it was intended for, then you’re going to get the most use out of it. Well, I think through circumstances growing up, innate tendencies, be exposed to so many hands on things in my life, traveling etc. I AM WHO I AM….I purposely tried to learn from others and seek answers in all things and just life in general, etc. Why does that make me WRONG or a bad person? But it does……
I am sorry, that I “INTIMIDATE” people, I am sad to think I would “OFFEND” anyone for that is not my intention or my heart. And if only people KNEW my heart and just know that I mean well. But things are the way they are, I am who I am….and as long as I am not sinning or purposely trying to be mean to you…IF I AM CONFRONT ME, but you better be right about it….otherwise give me grace and understanding and love the way Jesus would.
Not sure how the bible study is going to go as only 3 got back to me…one a husband and wife who tried to be nice in their long letter, but they got many digs in all based on ASSUMPTIONS, cause they don’t really know me. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE JUDGE! Another said, they would pray for me and thanked me for sending them the info I did…I sent them all. I find the same thing to be true on forums….more attacks and negativity than anything good, like over 80%...that can be a hard pill to swallow. The one that keeps popping up which is true, yet at the same time isn’t. Is I am being arrogant…honestly, when I write or say what I do, it isn’t because I think I’m better than anyone else or smarter etc…that is YOUR perception based on assumption. All I am doing is SHARING in order to HELP others…see that is how I learned all that I have, from others, so I want to impart the same opportunity for others to learn as well. Maybe the saddest thing is most are their own worst enemy when it comes to learning and growing cause of their PRIDE (not mine) their jealousy, their insecurities and all the things I mentioned in the beginning.
IDK, I just wish people would understand my HEART and also WHERE I CAME FROM, if one would only get outside of themselves and look at me the way God does and that is how we should see everyone…the way God does. And see that I came from an upbringing of hell (I should really be messed up but I’m am not) and abandonment, where anyone who had me didn’t really SPEAK to me, I was telling Sarah today, (we mainly were discussing “communication” not the other stuff I am about to mention) how my parents never praised us, I was beaten, we were slaves, they never had CONVERSATIONS or DISCUSSIONS with us unlike hers do. I was locked in my room for over 4 years…(I read hundreds if not thousand of books) and worse yet I didn’t even have good relationships at school, heck I didn’t even finish high school and flunked 3rd grade English. etc. etc…I could go on, but you get the point. God has done a wonderful work IN ME, and if I am not portraying that message I am sorry…I wouldn’t be WHO I AM if He didn’t create me and so on.
Please take what I say whether in person or written and know my heart is right, even though I may not always say it right.