Here's the deal: everyone will miscalculate at some point: bus drivers, plane and boat pilots, and mostly car drivers. And sometimes the miscalculations result in death. Mostly for car drivers. No one would be raising Cain if it were a bus that went off the road in the storm. And there may be some contributory negligence on the part of the passengers. No one required them to get on the boat when a storm was imminent.
So, unless there is a history of negligence and reckless behavior on the part of Ride the Ducks, y'all need get off your judgmental high horses.
Is there culpability and liability on the part of Ride the Ducks? Sure, but this stinking despotic call for more government regulation is utterly ridiculous, effeminate and sissified. Soon, it will be illegal to go out your door when the sky is overcast.
Holy freaking cow.