I've been an ASE certified master tech, and I disagree that vehicles about the need for a warm-up period. 10-15 minutes, no... 10 seconds? That is silly. I've seen oil filter canisters blown right off the bottom of engines, oil pump drive rods shattered, and other issues from trying to drive off in a cold vehicle.
Additionally, cures for the warm-up period, like "plugging in" a block heater actually take as much fuel as running the car, albeit electrical power from your house instead of gasoline from your tank. Block heaters draw heavy amperage, as does charging an electric vehicle (something that isn't often mentioned when talking about alternative fuel vehicles).
In climates where the temps don't drop below 20 degrees, I can see very short warm-up periods, but for the rest of the country, I can't imagine not warming up a vehicle. Ever sat on a car seat in -30 weather and had it crack wide open? I have...
I wonder if that article was sponsored by the manufacturer of car starters... They're the ones who will actually profit from the constant starting of engines.