This is an arm of the SBC at the national and some local levels or associations, I believe it is called Christian Life Commission now, could be wrong here?
Previously, the SBC supported the Baptist Joint Committee On Public Affairs (BJCPA), a lobbying organization supported by numerous Baptist groups, which is now named the
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty.
In, I believe, 1990, the Southern Baptist Convention defunded the BJCPA because a number of "conservative" Southern Baptists were opposed to the separation of church and state that the BJCPA promoted. Many SBC leaders were upset that the BJCPA opposed a school prayer amendment, among other legislation that the BJCPA and Baptist groups in general had historically opposed. Added to the concerns which prompted the defunding were concerns that the BJCPA's narrow focus on religious liberty was not covering every area where "conservative" Southern Baptists wanted to fight the culture wars, such as abortion, feminism, homosexuality, etc.
Thus, the Christian Life Commission (now the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission) was created with Richard Land as the head in 1988 to first augment, and then eventually replace, the BJCPA in Washington as a lobbying organization for the SBC.
The stated vision of the ERLC is "an American society that affirms and practices Judeo-Christian values rooted in biblical authority. The stated mission of the ERLC is to awaken, inform, energize, equip, and mobilize Christians to be the catalysts for the Biblically-based transformation of their families, churches, communities, and the nation."
Richard Land resigned amid some plagiarism scandals and other issues and Russ Moore is now leading the group. Moore's leadership will apparently take a different track than Land's since Moore doesn't seem interested in fighting the culture wars but rather working in a more subtle (IMO, more effective) way to influence society.