At a minimum - it is estimated that it would take 2 hours to fully charge a School bus
That means no more than 12 busses could be charged in one day
If a school district has 100 busses -you need at least 10 charging stations
A charging station costs up to $5,000 and installation could be as high as $10,000
An estimate of $250,000 for an EV school buss.
Shure some will say that the State/Commonwealth and Feds will help pay for it -
BUT who pays the S/C and Feds? -- Thats right - us the taxpayers.
So the questions really is - which pocket of mine is paying.......
One other thing - locally - when it comes to sports - there are teams that must travel
over an hour - so if school A drives to school B to play a football game, Will School B allow school A to charge up their busses during the game?
That means no more than 12 busses could be charged in one day
If a school district has 100 busses -you need at least 10 charging stations
A charging station costs up to $5,000 and installation could be as high as $10,000
An estimate of $250,000 for an EV school buss.
Shure some will say that the State/Commonwealth and Feds will help pay for it -
BUT who pays the S/C and Feds? -- Thats right - us the taxpayers.
So the questions really is - which pocket of mine is paying.......
One other thing - locally - when it comes to sports - there are teams that must travel
over an hour - so if school A drives to school B to play a football game, Will School B allow school A to charge up their busses during the game?