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"Evangelism" From Start .....

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by wpe3bql, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. wpe3bql

    wpe3bql Member

    May 15, 2015
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    ..... To Finish.

    What I am about to post is true. I don't know all the fine details of all that I'll mention, but this is what our Lord is allowing me to experience at this time.

    Last evening (October 27, 2015) spent a couple hours at the AWANA ministry of my church. ( www.lightouseministries.org [LCF] ).

    Many of you are at least somewhat familiar with the goals & objectives of the AWANA ministry. If not, google AWANA & you'll be directed to its website.

    I've been with the AWANA ministry off and on for many years and at many different locations [i.e., local churches with which I identified of the years.]

    Just because God has called me to be single, never-married for life does NOT mean that I cannot love children, because I DO. Years working in AWANAs & in the Bus Ministry, etc., have been the most blessed I've had. Not to mention the years I spent as a teacher in a Christian Day School. (One of my students now pastors the church at which I served.).

    Anyway last night we helped the small AWANA group at LCF do what all AWANA groups do no matter in what country they may be found: Train young people to memorize God's Word in order that It'll be in their hearts, and so that, in turn, they WILL truly be in the ranks of those who ARE Approved Workmen who Are Not Ashamed.

    But the highlights for me personally were not only to help a little boy with a speech impediment go over (and over, and over...) Psalm 23:1-6, but to wish his beautiful red-haired sister Meagan a very happy 6th BD. [They are two members of a family of 7 children.]

    That's what I call a "Starting Point" of Evangelism.

    The "Finishing Point" for many at LCF will happen in about three hours from now.

    At that time, LCF will start its visitation and subsequent funeral service for a dear, precious sister in the Lord who spent years and years pouring her heart and soul out to untold numbers of pre-school children of LCS.

    If you visit the website above, you'll find at the top a white oval-shaped icon that will link you to LCF's Christian School [LCS]. This is where she spent years and years pouring out her heart and soul to these "little ones" (She called them "Her little flock that The Great Shepherd gives her every year.").

    Some of her "little flock" are now married with children of their own--many of which are in LCF's AWANAs....some are even teaching in LCF's Youth Ministry that meets at the same time her AWANAs does. In fact, both groups share the singing together, which is led by a young lady that....you guessed it, was once in LCF's AWANA Clubs herself.

    Please remember the families of both ends of the "Evangelism Spectrum."

    NOTE: That sister who poured her life out to "Her Flock" spent several years with a heart condition that caused her to be admitted to one of our area's hospitals just last Thursday.

    She's permanently and eternally healed now.

    This coming Sunday I'll look around to my right and look at that seat upon which she sat.

    It'll be empty.

    But, now she has a much, much, much better seat.

    It's the one that's at the feet of her Great Shepherd---the same One Who gave her "the flock(s)' to which she poured her heart and soul for those many years. No doubt she's already heard Him say, "Well done."

    Baptist Board has many teachers who are doing what she did for years.

    Immediately I think of Scarlett, and even Mcdirector (Whom I actually met some years ago.), and I'm sure there are many others.

    In fact, every parent is a teacher to the children Jesus gives them.

    I don't need to tell you that the one who attacked the very first family in Eden centuries ago is still at the job today.

    If he can destroy the first institution God created, the other two will also then be destroyed.

    But, we who are saved have dwelling within us the One who is greater than Satan and all his demons put together!

    So, my BB friends, I'll leave you with this in Galatians 6:9 --- "And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season WE SHALL REAP, if we faint not."


    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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  3. wpe3bql

    wpe3bql Member

    May 15, 2015
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  4. wpe3bql

    wpe3bql Member

    May 15, 2015
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    I knew there was an error somewhere, but after experiencing several days of very limited sleep due in part to: (1) my neighborhood's 24/7/365(366) continual full-volume Canine Chorus; (2) The fact that I'm in the takeoff/landing zone/pattern for BNA; (3) Certain individuals insisting on having their cars' triple-bass enhanced at various hours of the day/night going at full afterburner volume; (4) My QTH being near the Intersection of TN State Route 1 (a/k/a in these parts as Murfreesboro Rd/Pike) /US Route 70S & Hamilton Church Rd. (which leads to Hobson Pk./S. Mt. Juliet Rd.---a little known but often used truckers' short-cut from I-40W to I-24E (Eventually winding up in Chattanooga); (5) Very close to Metro-Nashville's Fire Station/EMT Ambulance Station #26 (which, in turn, actives #1 above into a much higher decibel level than they already are!) [NOTE: The preceding #'s 1-5 occur on the "Good/Quiet" Days. You don't even wanna read what happens on the "Bad/Noisy" days---like when Ezell-Harding "Christian" (Church of Christ-oriented theology) has their home games in their stadium across the street on H. C. Rd., or when the WalMart immediately to SE of my QTH gets "visited" by Metro's finest and/or the local band of TN State Troopers---normally every other late-time weekends.

    IOW, there are lots of ways for good, ole WPE3BQL to have, shall we say, "Interesting Ambient Surroundings"---especially the next 3 days when it's Hallowe'en!

    Speaking of H-ween, I know all the stories of its origin that I want to know (and even some I DON'T want to know!), but I see it as an opportunity to give out "Gospel 'Trick-or-Treat' Tracts" to my little visitors that come to my door as well as the American Tract Society's "Heaven's Gate" tract ("If you were standing at the Gate of Heaven and God Asked You...") to the bigger escorts/patents/relatives/whoever. . So far none of the above have ever refused to at least take these tracts when combined with a couple king-sized Kit-Kats. While I've not yet seen "untold numbers" coming forward to receive Christ as Savior, I do hope that by doing so, maybe a little seed planting or watering will occur (1 Cor. 3:7). Just a thought.



    P.S. --- The funeral for LCS's beloved sister in Christ was moving to me. Nothing fancy, but when a few 2YO's who were in her class just a week ago were given the microphone to tell those present (both on earth and in heaven) "We miss you. We lub you. 'Dank you for always tellin' us dat Jesus loves me," what else can you say to that? Cry
    #4 wpe3bql, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015