Heard a message today on Psalms 3 & 4. The speaker has a great heart so I do not discredit him there. However his conclusions I did not agree with. Using exegesis alone he made a case that when a Christian is discontent with his/her position and status in life (being single, having a low paying job, etc..) then he/she has a sin problem and needs to get right with God. Yes using Psalms 3 & 4 one can interpret it that way, however Biblical theology will say otherwise. Read the book of Job and the theology of suffering which is a major theme in that book. Also reading what Jesus said in John 17 and in the garden indicates that not all suffering & heartache is of ourselves. Sometimes the devil & his demons will inject thoughts into our heads, and cause us to suffer, and be discontent with our life. Authors like Erwin Lutzer & Warren Wiersbe seem to indicate the same in some of their books. What do you say?